March Quotes #23

2 min readMar 24, 2024
Image created by Jeannie Chambers using CanvaPro

“March is a tomboy with tousled hair, a mischievous smile, mud on her shoes, and a laugh in her voice.”

~Hal Borland

If March were a girl…

When I was between six and twelve, I could’ve been Miss March with no apologies, maybe some days still.

Borland’s quote got me thinking about how fickle March can be. As winter takes it easy on his last days of duty, spring is itching to play. March gets to have the best of both, and we’re the participants of the game whether we like it or not.

Every day March plays the same old game
Will it be dreadful cold or warm and tame?
We question her like a Magic 8 ball
Shake her up to see what answers will fall
Winter slouches with ambivalent spring
As Buttercups tiptoe with friends they bring

P. J. Gordon ©️2024

Hal Borland (1900–1978) was an American writer, journalist, and naturalist. He was born in Nebraska, and when he was ten years old, his family moved to Colorado. Years later, Borland wrote a book about that experience and another book about his experience when his father bought a newspaper.

I am not an Amazon affiliate for Hal Borland books, but I was impressed with the inventory available there.

Thank you for reading day 23 of March quotes.

#march #marchquotes #qotd #halborland #tomboy #leaveMarchalone




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