Cryptex Defi Staking Review: 12 Solid Reasons Why Can’t be a SCAM Project

Juls Dabz
13 min readOct 19, 2023


Cryptex Defi Staking Program is now creating some noise in the Internet. As claimed by some members, through their “said to be” never been done before system, anyone can earn from $35,000 in 3 years and $471,000 in 5 years from their Hybrid Defi staking business with only $100 one-time out of pocket. You may also click this link if you prefer to watch video rather than reading texts.

For a lot of ordinary folks in the Cryptocurrency space, it is almost impossible to think how a one-time $100 could generate such mentioned “HUGE” ROI with that said time-frame. No way! And due to the anonymity of the said project, a lot of people think that everything that was said about Cryptex Defi Staking were nothing but B.S!

While there are some members who spread information online that Cryptex Defi Staking is really a legitimate and a solid long-term source of passive income, there are also some reviews that tell exactly the opposite. This resulted to some amount of confusion especially for those who are searching for ways to generate passive income online. And to put an end to this argument, let me take on stage and share what I’ve personally experienced as a legitimate and active Cryptex member.

In this article, I will share 12 reasons why Cryptex Defi Staking program can’t be a scam and will never scam anyone. Though, everything that I’m going to say here is only based on my own opinion, but being there personally feels like being way ahead of anyone in the Internet Marketing race or when it comes to making money online.

But since this is still a form of Online Investment, where anyone who wants to take a ride has to spend some amount, be sure that you know what you are doing if you join this program and always remember the golden rule when it comes to online investment: Invest Only the Amount that You Can Afford to Lose!

So, without further ado, the following are the 12 reasons why Cryptex Defi Staking Program with a website Can’t be a SCAM project.

1.) Instant Withdrawal of Affiliate Earnings

One of the unquestionable reasons for a certain program to be considered as a SCAM project is when they no longer pay. Everyone wants to make money online, so withdrawal of member’s earnings really matters.

Cryptex until these days has been so smooth when it comes to attending member’s withdrawal request. Since its inception, members’ payouts were released on time without any records of complaints regardless of how HUGE is the amount being requested. And to prove it, take a look at my personal withdrawals as I’ve took a screenshot from my dashboard.

cryptex defi staking proof of payout

If that alone is something that is questionable on my own experience, I would shut my mouth up and never have the will to write this 2000 words article.

2.) Fully Functional Website and BackOffice

This might not have a lot of weights but this is also self-explanatory. Scam projects are gone online in just a short period of time. They can’t last as they run away people’s money. But the website has been around since 2020, where members can get access to their dashboard, perform some deposits, request withdrawals, purchase staking contracts and monitor the progress of their staking business.

What amazes me when using the back-office is that, all transactions are done smoothly without any signs of something scary. If you buy a staking contract, for example a 3 year plan, the loaned starting capital as promised amounting $30,240 will instantly appear on your dashboard just after sending the $100 handling fee. The same with withdrawals and internal transfer of funds to other Cryptex members under your team, everything is lightning fast.

cryptex defi taking proof of earnings

The above screenshot (left) is the total amount generated from one staking contract I’ve purchased at Cryptex for $100 last June 2023 plus the staking reward I’ve received from my referrals as overrides.

The image at the right is the total amount I’ve withdrawn from Cryptex as referral commissions from the staking contracts purchased by my team members down to 10th level.

3.) Newly Renewed Domain Name (Until 2027)

The month of June-August 2023 was a bit scary for me as a new Cryptex member. This was due to the fact that, as I’ve been sharing this program online, someone has showed me a screenshot that the domain name for the website will expire on August 29, 2023.

Thinking that it might be the “end of days” (if they’re not going to renew), I slowed down a bit, and waited for the final day to come to make things clear.

So, when August 29, 2023 finally arrived, it was a kind of thrilling moment to see whether or not the website is gone. But before the time elapsed, I sent an email to the Cryptex support to confirm if they do something about it because it really bothers me as a marketer.

And my suspicious mind full of negative imaginations was totally shut and put into shame when I received the reply. Take a look at the following screenshot.

Since then, it’s a kind of invigorating thing everyday to personally know that their website won’t vanish till the next four years. So, from there, I stepped on the gas and moved forward.

4.) Promoted and Shared by Veteran Marketers

This part is more on logic than experience. As being said, Cryptex has been in business since 2016. And whether or not it is true that their current website was only put online in 2020, still it counts a lot if we pay attention to their members until these days.

My idea was, if Cryptex Defi Staking is a SCAM project, and never have provided value to their members since 2016 or 2020, I strongly believed that no one should be promoting Cryptex until these days. And that is simply because no marketer is fool enough to promote and share a scam project — something that does not help people in this industry.

So, the fact that Cryptex members who started during those early days are still here today and still massively promoting this online, I’ve strongly sensed that this is different from what most people knew when it comes to programs that promise opportunity to making money online. I believed that there is something in here that really holds people back from moving into different programs. What do you think?

5.) No Legitimate Negative Reviews from Real User

Online reviews are sometimes helpful to find information about whether or not a certain program is worth-joining or something that everyone should stay away from. But sad to say, it was massively abused by bloggers from Wealthy Affiliate Network who were trained to paint ugly things on other people’s faces or other parties so that they may appear to be the opposite.

If I’m not mistaken, that is what they called “content hi-jacking,” where they capitalized a certain popular keyword about a certain program online and throw a lot of shits on it in their content as if they were saving someone not to become a victim. But at the end of their content, is a link to click that redirects to their affiliate product or program to generate some shitty sales.

If you go to Google and do some search using the keyword “cryptex defi staking review” or any relevant keywords, some reviews (blogs) from Wealthy Affiliate Network members might appear on the first page telling something negative about Cryptex. But if you are a Cryptex member and you know exactly what’s inside, you will notice that all those reviews are non-sense and baseless.

Everything was created just to draw traffic from the search engine using the keyword “cryptex” so that that they can have something to funnel down into their affiliate products, hoping to generate sales from a desperate people who think they were right. You will notice all of these if you become a Cryptex member.

What I was looking online are personal reviews, complaints, or forum posts about negative experiences shared by some legitimate Cryptex members since the day it went online. But unfortunately, I have not found any.

6.) Responsive Support System

I believe that communication is vital in all online projects. Since there is no business without clients, it is always important to take care of the feelings and emotions of those who trusted on what you do. Scam projects don’t care much on people’s concern and emotions, they only care how much money they can take from their members if they run away. So, having a responsive support team makes a lot of sense and that separates Cryptex from the scam projects.

7.) Over 200K Members Worldwide

This is something that I don’t have any proof actually. But top leaders in Cryptex are saying this in front of hundreds of members during zoom presentation.

So, as a new member I assumed that it was true and I have actually no issue with it. And as a newbie, I don’t have the right at all to prove them wrong. So, to make things easy I buy that idea.

So, if that was true, and if Cryptex is a SCAM project that has started in 2016 or 2020 (whatever), it would be safe to conclude that there are over 200,000 people from all over the world who are losing their minds to spend $100 or more and stay connected with Cryptex that has been scamming them from the beginning.

With that said, I can’t imagine how worst the world has already been, where over 200,000 people can’t even recognize that they were fooled, and repeatedly scammed. And I believed that what I’ve just said is not what really happened but the exact opposite. Over 200,000 member’s can’t be wrong with this, and lately, it has grown into over 500K members

8.) Has Started in 2016

Time could also tell if Cryptex Defi Staking is a scam project or not. Based on experience, no scam project could last for years, most likely, only 3–6 months. For there is no reason for them to stay if their basket is already full of cash. But since Cryptex is still around, and continuously in business with their members, there is no doubt at all that their intention of creating fortunes for their members is true.

9.) They Pay More than What They Receive

With all the reasons I mentioned above, this is the biggest one. Cryptex has a very lucrative and generous referral program. In fact, you can take advantage on it to bank massive cash even before your staking contract expires. As mentioned in their pay plan, you will earn 30% for every contract purchased by your direct referrals.

That means, a sponsor who has invited someone who join Cryptex and bought one staking contract receives an instant $30. But that is not limited to the fist level alone, you can earn some percentage of the contracts purchased by people under you down to 10th level.

So, if we take a look at this scenario closely from bottom to top, for every $100 dollars paid by a joining member who bought one staking contracts, his or her direct sponsor will earn $30.00 instant. The second level sponsor will earn $5.00 since that is 5% on the pay plan and everyone above up to the 10th level (upward) receives a portion of that $100.00 paid by a joining member.

Based on their computation, $100 is not enough for all the uplines above to receive what they deserved from a single sale of contract that happened somewhere below. It needs a total of $140.00 to satisfy the agreed Cryptex pay plan. So, Cryptex is paying $140 in total for all uplines every time there is a one contract sold below for $100.

So, what does it mean?

It simply means that if Cryptex Defi Staking is a Ponzi business, or if their only source of income are the funds paid by members who purchased staking contracts, they should be gone online in their early days because they are losing money instead of gaining some. So, it cannot be sustainable.

But how come they were able to sustain the business even if they’re paying $140.00 every time $100.00 came in? How crazy they were to let this happen over and over again if they’re not making money from what they do?

So, the clear answer to that is this, the staking business is real and true and that is where they get funded together with their partner bank and insurance. In fact, for every 3 year staking contract sold, Cryptex will earn $30/month handling fee within the entire staking terms which is 3 years or 36 months.

If we do the math, that’s $30 x 36 months so, Cryptex will be earning $1,080 in total after 3 years for each 3 year contract owned by one member. Note that each member can own a total of 50 staking contracts maximum and a lot of members are already having it right now.

Pay attention to the screenshot below:

cryptex defi staking legitimate source of income

So, it is very clear that Cryptex does not need our $100 and it cannot be a Ponzi or something that takes only people’s money.

With the above being said, it is safe to conclude that our payment of $100 for every contract purchased is only used for marketing purposes so that members will be sharing this program to their friends and circles so that more contracts will be sold, more money the bank and insurance will also earn, and more people will become rich.

10.) They Limit Member’s Purchase of Contracts

If Cryptex only wants people’s money and run away in the future, they should not put a limit on the number of contracts a member could own. It is always on their favor that fills their basket with cash if more staking contracts are sold for each member. But it does not work that way.

Originally, Cryptex only allows 20 contract per account. But lately, they extended the limit to 50 as more people want to buy more contracts. But that is the maximum. Meaning, if you already have owned 50 contracts, you are done and you can’t add more.

cryptex defi staking proof

11.) There are Proofs of Massive Payouts

No matter what we are saying, people won’t just believe on the words we utter. They need proof.

And in our time today, when Internet has conquered almost 90% the way we live, with the use of hi-tech cameras and other devices, plus the impact of AI technology, images that could serve as a proof of something that occurred in the past could be faked or generated. But certainly, not the transaction hash that is generated by the blockchain for every Bitcoin transaction sent by Cryptex to a receiving member.


The above screenshot shows a Cryptex account with a withdrawal record of:

  1. $96,700.00
  2. $90,500.00
  3. $75,000.00
  4. $95,000.00
  5. $78,000.00
  6. $200,000.00
  7. $67,350.00

Pay attention to the transaction hash for every successful withdrawal that was recorded. And also see the status of each transaction. It all shows “completed” meaning it was already sent and received to the member’s Bitcoin wallet address.

If the above screenshot is a bit blurry, see this one below but it only shows the amount.

cryptex defi staking proof of payout withdrawal

12.) Blockchain Transparency

This is something that really changes the way I look at Cryptex. First, I was really skeptical whether or not I was wasting another time and might endanger people’s money who have trusted me again as an online marketer promoting MLM and Investment-related programs.

But when I saw the video recorded by one Cryptex member who became curious about Cryptex payouts in huge numbers, I was totally blown away and I realized that this is what I was really searching for.

What happened was, one Cryptex member who might have a deep knowledge on things like blockchain and cryptocurrency, tried to trace the transaction from Cryptex as he receives payout just like everyone else.

He uses the transaction hash of the Bitcoin he receives on Binance from Cryptex. He pasted it on the blockchain explorer and traced the Bitcoin funds stored in the wallet address used by Cryptex when sending member’s payout. What he found out was mind-blowing!

He noticed that, that wallet address contains 51 Bitcoins amounting a total of $1.3M and has performed several transactions in huge numbers. See the screenshot below:

The above screenshot is taken from the PowerPoint presentation shared in the Cryptex Telegram Group Chat, showing the discovery of one member about this blockchain transparency and it then serves as a proof that being part of Cryptex Defi Staking program could be the biggest step anyone can take to generate massive fortune online.

For more information about Cryptex Defi Staking, you may also click this link, follow the instruction and watch the full video presentation available on the page where you will be redirected.


Last November 21, 2023, one of the Cryptex 3-year staking contracts owned by one of the members under our team in Telegram has already expired. It has generated over $400,000 as appeared on his dashboard and the said amount has been sent to his external Bitcoin Wallet on the same day amounting 10.59BTC or $388,653, less the 3% Cryptex transanction.

See the details on this page or if you want to see the video documentation about this massive payout received from Cryptex, you may also click this link.



Juls Dabz

I am not a pro-writer but I have a lot of ideas to share that matters.