May 30, 2024


Women have endless options? Right, they can just sit on a couch and order a man online. Yep, just type in a few criteria and sit back and let Amazon deliver one. Yep, ALL women have ENDLESS options.

Do you ever consider how ridiculous you sound. ALL? ENDLESS?

Like men don't have options. Please. You may not like them, but but you have options. You're in the same exact boat as women. Dating isn't working for them either. Sure, you will say their expectations are unrealistic but what are yours like? They seem extremely unreasonable when you characterize a situation as "ALL" or "Endless".

Maybe you should look into growing the fuck up. That might be a first step for you. Then then therapy can work on the GINORMOUS chip on your shoulder. Soon after, you might even find a girlfriend.




Yes, we cat! Do what you want, but want what is good.