By the Armloads

Janice DeCovnick, Ph.D.
5 min readOct 4, 2023


I put the car into park and let it idle. It was October in New York, and the apple harvest was in full swing. We visited an apple farm and went picking: Honey Crisps, Pink Ladies, Red Delicious, and Granny Smiths.

“What would we be, where would we be if not for all creation and the bounty therein? We are given every good thing, and these preserve us.” Janice DeCovnick

We wandered up and down the rows of trees still laden with apples, making our selections. The corn harvest was mostly over, but the stocks still stood tall. What an abundance! We took our finds to the checkout counter, eyeing the squash and pumpkins. More abundance! There were rows of berry preserves. We passed on these. We had our own cooking to do at our vacation rental. We filled the car and headed back up to Slide Mountain.

Ever go to a pumpkin patch and wonder how those little plants produced that many pumpkins? God gives us such bounty. I reflected on that bounty recently on a trip to a farm in Stow, Massachusetts. There was a large pumpkin patch. The pumpkins had been removed from the vines and were neatly set in long rows by size. The sun was flickering over them through the leaves of the trees, and the dappled light was lovely, another one of God’s bounties.
“For we are blessed with the bounty of the land in all its glory of sweet fruits of the earth.” Janice DeCovnick

Our kitchen was well equipped and soon in full operation: two pies later, applesauce cooked, and apple butter baking in the oven — and we retired jubilantly to the living room to rest! We loved it! The harvest and the abundance we made of it, the scent of cinnamon and allspice and apples cooking delighted us!

We left early in the morning, heading out to the beechwood forest for some autumn color photography. It was raining when we left and was still raining when we arrived at this lovely river rushing over a waterfall. It was roaring as it tumbled over rocks on its way to the sea. Fog enshrouded the mountains above the waterfall. The forest was alive with color, filled with reds, greens, oranges, and yellows. It was autumn in Patagonia.
“Softly the rain fills the river until it roars on its way to the sea. The trees of the forest shall clap their hands while the wind colors every rain-splattered leaf.” Janice DeCovnick

It all starts with water. Earth is the water planet. What grows on Earth grows because there is water. All those apples, squash, pumpkins, corn, and berries took water to grow. Take away the water and you have a desert. And even what grows in the desert does so only when there is water. The apples and vegetables are storehouses for water. Such an abundance! The trees, vines, and stalks they grow on are storehouses for water. A great abundance of water!

But that’s not all they store. They store food, food that will be eaten by animals as well as human beings, food that will nourish the soil as it decays. More abundance. The whole Earth is one gigantic storehouse of water and food, an abundant system.

“Step away from the wounds, the worries, and the tantrums that clog and choke the life flow; in sterling clarity, waters chisel canyons that elude such fears, and carve sustenance for the spirit that soothes our woe.” Janice DeCovnick

Quite a number of years ago, our hearts were opened by the birth of our first child. We felt so blessed. The labor was long. But the joy of his arrival over the coming months was far greater than I expected. Why? Because my heart was filled to overflowing by his arrival in this world. My sense of abundance soared at his birth. We waited so long to have a child!

Love is a way of being that fills the heart with abundance. It opens the heart up to receive and give more love. Love supercharges living in abundance. Love spills over to others, filling up their hearts as well, opening them up to experience the abundance. In turn, the love that others have spills over, filling up our hearts. Reciprocal love is self-perpetuating and gives rise to feelings of abundance.

Abundance is a state of mind, of heart-filled joyous love, of doing what brings joyous abundance to others.

Let’s take those one at a time. When we assess our situation as full, we are in an abundant state of mind. It’s a choice about how to perceive what we have in life. It’s a state of mind that says, “It’s very, very good!” about whatever our situation is. It does not matter how much money is in the bank account, nor how many clothes we have to wear. It’s not about our situation being perfect either. It’s about the joyous love we feel in this moment that makes it abundantly rich. It is the feeling “this moment is all we have”. And that, “this moment is full”, that, “it is good”, and that, “it is to be shared”. Sharing is the hard part, right? No, it’s not. Sharing is what you want to do when you feel like your cup is full, your life situation is joyous and loving, your heart is full of love and abundance, and you know what you have is good.

Is there anything more wonderful than picking apples on a warm September afternoon? We gladly paid for the privilege of picking the apples, and once inside the orchards, surrounded by thousands of apple trees, there was the wonderful scent of sweet, ripening apples, coupled with blue skies, and the grand and gnarly, century old apple trees. The trick of picking apples from the tree is to turn the apple upside down and then twist.
“A morning in paradise refreshes the soul and clears the mind, and whatever the light touches glows serenely.” Janice DeCovnick

So back to the apple farm. We picked apples by the armloads, not out of a thought that we could use that many apples ourselves. Rather our joy at having our daughter with us for the apple picking, apple pie making, apple sauce and apple butter cooking brought us into a state of abundance, into a feeling of joyous goodness, into a desire to share the fruits of our labors.

Abundance is a way of life, a way of being, a way of perceiving — lived one moment at a time, a way of life that mirrors our water planet’s abundant system. Earth allows us to find more than we need and then give to others what they need out of a sense of abundance, sharing, and joyous love. Abundance is a soulful mindset, and a joyous loving heart, that want to share the gifts of creation from a place of fullness within.

Napa Valley in summer is teeming with grapevines filled with an abundant crop. Visiting there creates in me an abundant, soulful mindset, and because I love growing things, a breathlessly joyous and loving heart as I peak beneath the vines to find the grapes that are ripening there. This vine particularly struck me because there were grapes within it that were of all different stages of ripeness.
“Abundance is a soulful mindset, and a joyous loving heart, that want to share the gifts of creation from a place of fullness within.” Janice DeCovnick

What does “abundance” evoke for you? Where do you find abundance in the world? In yourself? When do you feel like giving quite freely?

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Janice DeCovnick, Ph.D.

Psychologist/writer/photographer; CEO Journey to the Well Productions, Inc. Develop the soul, mindfulness & care for the earth through contemplation of nature.