Why I Want to Fly 1,426 Miles to Support the Next American President

Jeannie Drake
5 min readSep 30, 2019


High hopes for Pete Buttigieg and becoming a Barnstormer for Pete

Mayor Pete Buttigieg looks thoughtful, wearing his trademark white Oxford shirt (sleeves rolled up) and tie.
The leap from Major Pete to President Pete is a leap of Heartland Hope. Photo: Joshua Lott. Photo editing: Dudley M. Brooks. Source: The Washington Post Magazine.

“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”

On April 14, 2019, I gleefully gathered my loving family — my musician husband, my budding actress/zoologist teen daughter, and our big love-bug Bernese Mountain Dog — in front of my laptop to watch history being made. They kindly obliged, knowing I wouldn’t buy a Mayor Pete’s Explorers Club t-shirt if I wasn’t in it to see Pete go all the way to the White House.Mayor Pete Buttigieg, a man I’d only just heard of four weeks prior, announced his campaign kickoff for president of the United States, beaming husband at his side. Pete’s rousing words and sincere manner made me feel — for the first time in a long time — like honesty, intelligence, and integrity could once again prevail. That the America I saw in my mind’s eye wasn’t just possible — it was here all along. And that we, as a united country, could rise to our highest ideals of freedom, security, and democracy — not to mention, decency.

I had tears in my eyes and hope in my heart (as I do now, writing this), savoring that epic moment and the vital promise it had the power to fulfill.

Here was a true leader who could potentially heal our fragmented country, leading Americans out of a darkness fueled by fear and into a light sparked by endless possibilities.

Pete told us, “Running for office is an act of hope.” So is flying 1,426 miles from Portland, Oregon, to Des Moines, Iowa, to take a seat at the Iowa Democratic Party Caucus Dinner.

He also said, …the moment we live in compels us to act.” That fateful moment led me here to act.

Without sounding too fan-girl or reverential, let me share why I want to be there for Pete Buttigieg.

Pete has inspired me to be proud of my roots as an Air Force brat who grew up in the Heartland of America and graduated from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. (Go Big Red!)

Pete has inspired me to be proactive about turning my values into not just words, but also meaningful and measurable action.

Pete has inspired me to be a more active part of my community by joining my local grassroots chapter of Pete Buttigieg for President, PDX for Pete, to put my positivity and sociability to work for a cause I believe in. (Extroverts love Pete, too!)

Pete has inspired me to make the world a better place by rethinking my business plan as a freelance writer to target cause-based clients that make a real difference.

Pete has inspired me to strive to be a stronger role model for my teen daughter by showing her firsthand the importance of activism, volunteerism and using your voice — even, and especially, when you’re in the minority.

Pete has inspired me to adopt and share the Rules of the Road every day.

Pete has even inspired me to consider running for local office myself one day, when it won’t pull me away from my responsibilities to support my family.

With President Pete leading our country, I believe the rising tide of white supremacy in America will be held accountable for inciting violence and terrorism, so we can diminish their numbers and dismantle their influence.

I believe our children will be safer with common-sense gun laws that value people over profits.

I believe the LGBTQ community will be rightfully recognized, protected, and empowered.

I believe women will have unencumbered access to equal economic rights and reproductive control over our own bodies.

I believe America’s reputation for integrity will be restored globally.

I believe immigrants will be treated with compassion and criminals will be treated with humanity.

I believe the barbaric practice of capitol punishment will be abolished. I believe big business will be held accountable, whether it’s opiate addiction or oil spills.

I believe education will be valued and teachers will be paid a salary worthy of their immeasurable contribution to society.

I believe access to affordable healthcare will be a right and not a privilege.

I believe America will be on the leading edge of climate change and cyber security.

I believe we’ll have a leader in the White House who fulfills the promise of what America can truly be in all her beauty and diversity.

I believe we’ll have a first family — Pete, Chasten, Buddy, Truman, and, eventually, children — who serves as an inspiration and role model for younger, and future, generations.

Chasten, Buddy, Truman & Pete at home in South Bend, Indiana. Photo: Joshua Lott. Photo editing: Dudley M. Brooks. Source: The Washington Post Magazine.

For all those reasons and more than I can list here, I want to join Barnstormers for Pete in Iowa, November 1st, to be a volunteer, a messenger, and a cheerleader who is doing my part to help grow this historic movement and deliver the best candidate for the job to the White House. Because of my background in communications, my ability to connect with Midwesterners, and my passion for Pete, I think I have something valuable to offer the campaign and the cause.

On May 18, 2008, my husband and I pushed our daughter’s stroller through the swelling crowd on the banks of Portland’s Willamette River to see Barrack Obama share his vision for hope and change. I looked around, pride- and wonder-filled, at the full spectrum of American optimism and diversity that supported Obama’s message — over 75,000 strong. I smiled at my happy daughter of a brand-new generation, bold in the belief that we’d have the opportunity to raise her in a kinder, freer, safer, and more egalitarian world where she could be anything she wanted to be under the umbrella of a just president. I feel the same way now.

Traveling to Iowa isn’t about me. It’s about expressing my gratitude and being of service to a higher calling at a crucial turning point for the campaign and the country. It’s about being your Jeannie-on-the-spot, whenever and wherever Team Pete needs me.

Like many others, the days since the last presidential election have been painful, appalling, and triggering — not to mention financially challenging. To my endless surprise and delight, Pete Buttigieg, the Mayor of South Bend with the impossible name, brought faith in America and hope for the future back into my life just when I needed it most. Now, the least I can do is bring something to him and to America: the support of as many Pete voters as I can rally who share his values, his character, and his high hopes for a new era that works for all Americans. Together, I know we can show the world that love wins with President Pete.

With respect, belonging, truth, teamwork, boldness, responsibility, substance, discipline, excellence, and joy,

–Supreme optimist and proud member of Team Pete / PDX for Pete



Jeannie Drake

Freelance writer. RnR wife. OSU mama. Feminist. Supreme optimist. Night owl. Globetrotter. City dweller. Gen Xer. Dem liberal. Cheerleader. Acadian. Aquarian.