Birds and The Fine Art of Noticing

Jden Kim
1 min readOct 13, 2021

I think this week’s APIs class is really meaningful to me. We are living in a flood of data, and through the time of Corona, we have naturally grown our ability to constantly observe data. Charts filled with numbers can of course convey effective data, but when we use more visualized data, we can absorb data more effectively and quickly. Attached link below is that the website I used often during Covid

In that sense, I found Jer Thorpe’s writing more interesting. Birds’ information perhaps could be abstract data for someone. However, Ebird enable user can access it naturally and share data. Also, I totally agree that the author says “their own experiences and their own particular ways of seeing the urban landscape.” This is why I believe that we are all designers, and the window through which we see the world is completed through our personal experiences.

This article gives me more challenges to make digital stuff for seniors. First, I need to investigate how many APIs for seniors, and how to visualize the data in an effective way. Above all, I felt that it was an important task to access more people interested in this project.

