How to pitch a Christmas feature to New Scientist

Josh Howgego
4 min readJun 14, 2022


It’s beginning to look at lot like Christmas… well, it is in the vicinity of the New Scientist features desk anyway. Around this time every year, we start thinking about our holiday issue, a double-length magazine that is packed with about 15 features and comes out at the end of December. Commissioning stories for this issue is one of the things I most enjoy about my job because we’re looking for something a little bit different from the usual stuff. We are still looking for science and technology, but we want the issue to be a little more light-hearted, quirkier, and generally to be a wonderfully diverting thing to read as people relax over the festive period.

We rely heavily on freelancers to write our features and so I wanted to set out in some detail the kinds of stories we are looking for. If you have an idea, now is the time to pitch it — that is, ideally before the end of June 2022. Here’s some more detail that should help you.

What makes a Christmas feature?
New Scientist is a magazine about science and technology, but for this issue we want to write about these topics in a less serious, more quirky and more punchy way. It’s worth saying, however, that our stories still need some new science (the clue is in our name…); we’re not going to do just a general explainer on the science of chocolate or reindeer or whatever. The typical length for a Christmas feature is 1200 words, though they certainly can be longer. Here is my best stab at the categories we often like to hit…

This is probably not an exhaustive list. It may also be worth checking the list of all the stories in our Christmas issues from the past few years, which you can do here:


How do I suggest an idea?
Unless you already happen to have a working relationship with another feature editor at New Scientist, please send them to me at Ideally, you would send a pitch of about three paragraphs explaining the headline idea and giving us some idea of where the story will go as it develops. But if you have a kernel of an idea and want to just send a few lines, at this point, that’s fine too — if I like it I can help you develop the pitch. (If you want more advice about what form a pitch should take, try having a look at this guide I wrote a while ago.)

How much will I get paid?
That depends on a number of factors. But as a rough guide, the amount we would pay for a 1200 word feature would start at about £620.

What happens next?
We decide on the features to commission for Christmas in early July. If you pitch us an idea, I will let you know whether we’d like to commission it once those decisions have been taken. If you’re successful, we’ll have a detailed conversation about the story at that point.

Good luck and happy pitching!



Josh Howgego

Science journalist, christian, chemistry PhD graduate. Feature editor at New Scientist magazine. Tweets @jdhowgego