Reindeer Games

And Other Holiday Family Pastimes

JD Nealey
4 min readDec 22, 2022
One of the Reindeer games we’ll play on Christmas. Photo by the Author.

For the past four years or so, our family has been having some type of scavenger hunt around Christmastime. One year our two teenage boys worked together to find clues to open a locked ammo can to reveal a special prize inside.

Another time they had to solve riddles in succession to locate items that were hidden. Last year they had to find answers to yet another list and then perform whatever action it stipulated.

That game ended up with us driving all over town in separate cars — each one of us had one kid with identical lists. It was a race to see who could finish first. The older child won out.

Some of the things they did from the list were to fly a paper airplane at the airport, hang out the car window barking like a dog at the County Animal shelter, and many more. It was a great deal of fun for everyone.

For this Christmas, the two boys will receive the following letter with a sack and $50:

This year you are Santa’s elves. You will have $50 to fill his bag with the goodies from the list below. Think outside the box. Anything goes… bought, found, pictures, be creative. You cannot share what you put in your bag with your elf brother. Santa will go through his bag tomorrow afternoon — Christmas Eve — to see what good elves you are



JD Nealey

I’m just a boy sitting in front of a keyboard asking you to read me.