Exploring Unity’s XR Ray Interactor

Objective: Learning about interactable and interactors (Ray)

Josh P (Pixel Grim)
3 min readOct 26, 2023

What are Interactable and Interactors?

There are two distinctive types of objects in the realm of XR development: interactables and interactions.

“Interactables” are objects that players can manipulate, while “interactors” allow players to manipulate the game objects in the world.

While we’ve touched on the definitions of these terms, let’s delve deeper into one specific interactor — the XR Ray Interactor.

Understanding the XR Ray Interactor

The XR Ray Interactor is a fundamental component in Unity’s XR toolkit, often used in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) applications. This powerful tool empowers developers to create immersive and interactive experiences by allowing users to interact with objects within the virtual world.

How the XR Ray Interactor Works

The XR Ray Interactor works by projecting a ray from the user’s controller (commonly used in VR scenarios) or other input devices, such as a hand, to interact with virtual objects. This ray essentially acts as an extended hand, enabling users to manipulate and engage with items in the virtual environment.

Imagine you’re designing a VR game, and you want players to pick up virtual objects, press virtual buttons, or shoot virtual lasers. The XR Ray Interactor is the bridge that makes this possible. It registers user input and translates it into interactions with the virtual world.

Customization and Properties

One of the strengths of the XR Ray Interactor is its versatility. Developers can fine-tune various properties of the ray, tailoring it to the specific requirements of their project. Some of the customizable properties include:

  • Width: Adjust the thickness of the ray to simulate different interaction experiences.
  • Color: Modify the color of the ray to enhance visual feedback for users.
  • Length: Set the length of the ray to control the reach of interactions.
  • Interaction Mask: Define which objects the ray can interact with, allowing for selective targeting.
  • Texture: Apply textures to the ray, giving it a unique visual appearance.

User Examples

To illustrate the utility of the XR Ray Interactor, let’s explore a couple of user scenarios:

  1. VR Escape Room: In a virtual escape room game, the XR Ray Interactor is used to mimic the players’ actions in the game world. Players can extend their hand or controller to grab objects, turn doorknobs, and trigger mechanisms, enhancing the feeling of being physically present in the virtual escape room.
  2. Architectural Visualization: In the field of architectural visualization, designers use the XR Ray Interactor to create interactive walkthroughs of 3D building models. Users can point to specific areas to get information, open doors, and even move furniture within the model, providing an immersive and engaging way to explore architectural designs.


The XR Ray Interactor in Unity is a critical tool that bridges the physical and virtual worlds in XR development. By allowing users to interact with virtual objects in a natural and intuitive manner, it paves the way for engaging and immersive experiences in VR and AR applications. Its versatility and customization options make it a valuable asset for developers looking to create interactive and dynamic XR environments. Whether you’re designing games, architectural simulations, or educational experiences, the XR Ray Interactor opens up a world of possibilities for enhancing user engagement and immersion.

