The Evolving Landscape of AI: OpenAI’s Strategy Reflects The Apple Ecosystem

Jonathan D. Rhyne
3 min readOct 30, 2023


OpenAI’s recent strategic shift has left the tech community buzzing, particularly those startups that built plugins and wrappers around ChatGPT. This strategy mirrors the Apple Ecosystem’s pattern, a realm where annual WWDC announcements often meant the end of the road for certain third-party applications. The term “Sherlocked” became synonymous with Apple’s knack of incorporating features that rendered other companies’ offerings obsolete.

The saga began with the release of Sherlock 3, which sent Watson, a third-party program, into oblivion. This phenomenon isn’t new but a stark reality when building on top of massive platform companies like Apple or OpenAI. The underlying principle is simple: for a business to thrive in such a scenario, it needs to offer a unique value that stands the test of platform evolution.

The remarkable aspect of OpenAI’s strategy isn’t the strategy itself, but the pace at which it’s unfolding, especially in the GenAI space. While several companies, PSPDFKit included, have been in line to get their plugins listed, OpenAI has already moved past many of them. The landscape is changing rapidly, and here’s a glimpse of what OpenAI’s product strategy might look like over the next two years:

  1. Unrestricted Uploads: Users will be able to upload anything to ChatGPT, expanding the horizon of interactions and data processing capabilities.
  2. External Service Linking: The seamless linking of external services like Gmail, Slack, etc., will further integrate ChatGPT into daily workflows.
  3. Persistent Memory: The annoyance of multiple chats will be a thing of the past as ChatGPT will house a persistent memory, retaining context effortlessly.
  4. Customizable Personality: Users will have the liberty to customize ChatGPT’s personality, including its political bias, making interactions more aligned with individual preferences.
  5. Multimedia Responses: The response mechanism will evolve beyond text to include voice, images, and possibly videos, making communication more engaging and informative.
  6. Real-Time Interaction: With response time reducing to less than 50ms, interactions with ChatGPT will feel like conversing with a real person.
  7. Reduced Hallucinations: A significant drop in hallucinations and non-factual errors will make ChatGPT more reliable.
  8. Improved Self-Moderation: As self-moderation enhances, the rate of question rejection will decline, making the platform more user-friendly.

This envisioned strategy suggests a paradigm where OpenAI, much like Apple, is prioritizing user experience and platform robustness over third-party integrations. The key takeaway for businesses and developers is the essential need for true differentiation when building atop such platforms. In a world where AI is rapidly evolving, staying ahead of the curve requires more than just riding the wave, it demands surfing at the edge of innovation.

The speed at which OpenAI is moving to enhance ChatGPT’s capabilities sets a precedent and a word of caution for those building in the AI space. The future is not just about co-existing with giants like OpenAI but carving a niche that remains relevant amidst the ceaseless tide of innovation.



Jonathan D. Rhyne

Jonathan D. Rhyne is the Co-Founder & CEO of PSPDFKit. He writes about his thoughts on the current state of technology, SaaS scaling, and his other interests.