How to Stay out of Layoff/Recession impact and keep your finances flowing-in

Jd Satpathy
2 min readDec 29, 2022


They say.. don’t keep all your eggs in one basket.. so don’t keep it..

If a job is about financial inflow, why not learn finance..

Remember real learning starts when you complete your academics. So never stop learning.

Keep investing money on your learnings to make it effective.

  1. With time don’t depend on salary for your basic needs.
  2. Remember initially you work for money, then let your money work for you. Yes, that’s how rich gets richer so money attracts more money.
  3. Whatever profession/field you are in, ultimately you earn money because your work is profitable to your organisation, so you are always a part of the money flow.
  4. That’s why you need to learn investing, yes it’s very important. Because you will learn where the big money is going and that’s how you will understand if any big shift in market is coming.
  5. When you are going through good time, think of ways to keep it lasting. Remember everything changes, so to keep your good time unchanged you may have to change yourself (be your job, skill, location or friends), so be open about it.
  6. When you see a risk keep increasing your emergency fund balance. Your ideal emergency fund balance should be the amount
Emergency fund balance = (Your monthly expense) * (Time in months you need to land into a new job) + 2 (buffer months)
  1. Once your annual salary cross 15 lakh, bring-up an entrepreneurial mindset and start thinking of a business idea. Believe me it takes time, start early. In case you fail with your idea, at least you will save tax. So it’s a win-win game.
  2. It’s not always about money, keep yourself close with people who understand and motivate you. Motivation is the thing brings you out of bad time. Yes its 100% true.

Please give your feedback or questions. suggest if anything else you want me to write about.

