A message to the makers of the Disrespect Nobody advert

Jack Dyer
3 min readNov 30, 2016


Where’s the ‘nobody’ in this? This is purely an advert to stop disrespecting WOMEN ONLY.

Where’s the ‘nobody’ in this? This is purely an advert to stop disrespecting WOMEN ONLY.

This campaign is disgusting because while it tries to portray a good message, it reinforces (and quite vehemently) the misconception that all men are dangerous and abusive. This is not the case. Most men I know are lovely, and would never hurt anyone (male or female).

There’s not a clear message or sign that you understand that this happens to BOTH GENDERS.

The advert is horrendously disrespectful to men. How did this happen? It would have been SO EASY to include one of the talking animation scenes to say something like “If your GIRLFRIEND is checking your texts on your phone or not letting you speak to anyone, that’s not ok”. As it stands, this advert is a vile hatecrime against men, and only further perpetuates the stereotype the media has created that men, ALL MEN, are evil vicious abusers.

This is not the case.

1 in 4 women suffer domestic abuse.
1 in 6 men suffer domestic abuse.

Who does the world care about? ONLY EVER THE WOMEN. Why is that? Is it because you assume that a man would be able to defend himself? Because evolution has made men stronger than women and therefore are

a) More likely to be predatory (even if their temperament won’t allow them)?
b) Able to defend themselves?

Men are often forced to defend themselves knowing full well that if a woman comes at a man with a knife, that’s totally ok — the law is essentially on her side. But if a man hits the knife out of her hand — in a desperate bid to defend himself — and in the process causes damage to the woman’s hand, the courts would entirely forget about the knife attack and attempted murder in the first place. They’d only focus on the man’s ‘attack’ on the woman’s hand.

And the media would pick up the story of the ‘Wifebeater’, to sensationalise the horror the man has suffered. And not just the physical violence. The emotional and mental abuse. Manipulation. Months of coercive and underhanded manipulation that eats away at his soul and turns him into a shallow husk of who he once was.

He can become the woman’s puppet, through sheer emotional blackmail and manipulation…. and the world REINFORCES this. The world says that women couldn’t possibly do any wrong. That it’s ALWAYS the man pressuring the woman. Always the man who is the villain.

To the makers of the Disrespect Nobody advert

You, reading this, should be ashamed to be associated with a programme that helps to wrongly accuse ALL men of being perpetrators.

This is not true.

If you have an ounce of humility in you, do something about it. Change the campaign. Start a new campaign that’s FAIR. I’m not a feminist, or a ‘meninist’, I’m an EQUALIST. Both genders should be treated with the same respect, and the media treats men like brutish neanderthals while promoting the ideal that women are entirely and unfathomably innocent.


Sincerely, a man who knows first hand what it’s like to suffer physical and emotional abuse at the hands of a mentally unstable, bipolar woman with violent tendencies and weed-induced anxiety.



Jack Dyer

I like finding out what people enjoy. Then designing enjoyable things for them! Check out my work at theuxdesigner.co.uk