EDSA People Power Monument

Jerome Albert S Dela Cruz
2 min readMar 3, 2015


One of the most famous sculptures in the Philippines, the EDSA people power movement sculpture.

The formal elements present in the sculpture are line, light and time. You can see line by the lines from the stages that the sculptures are standing on and how it made an implied line by the people doing a pyramid. Artificial light is used on the sculpture as to enhance and emphasize its meaning and aesthetics. Time is evident in the sculpture because we all know that this sculpture was built to commemorate the EDSA people power.

The design principles present in the sculpture are emphasis, variety and unity. Emphasis is shown because of how the sculpture was arranged, it was arranged to direct the attention to the middle part of the sculpture. Variety is shown because even though there are a variety of sizes of people in the sculpture it still works together and united.

The subject matter of the painting is it is about the EDSA people power revolution that was done in order to throw Marcos out of position. My own interpretation of this monument is that this is the how we honor the people that have participated in people power revolution the so-called bloodless revolution because it was a revolution of peace.

The People Power Monumentat the corner of White Plains and EDSA Revolution depicts the thousands of Filipinos who gathered in front of the military camps at this main highway of the metropolis in February 1986, to unite in courage and faith to oust a dictator and restore democracy in the Philippines. The sculpture is by Ed Castrillo and was installed in 1993.


