Is Your Blog Earning It’s Keep?

How inbound marketing techniques can bring new, qualified business to your doorstep.

Jeanie Mayer


Photo by Felix-Koutchinski on Unsplash

If you are new to blogging you may have experienced the deflation of having your great content fall flat.

It goes something like this…

You have an idea for a great blog article. You do the research. You come up with great stories and analogies to explain your points. You find the perfect photos to capture your readers’ interest and showcase your brilliance. You spend time on your title, subtitle and formatting. You post that article.


What happened? Where are the views, the likes, the followers, the warm leads? How is all this blogging helping to grow your business?

Blogging is a form of inbound marketing.

It is an effective way to publish and promote information about what your business does for clients. Your blog posts address problems your customers are having. And when your blog article is done right, it helps you attract new visitors to your store or website and gives you an opportunity to convert those visitors into leads and eventually into customers.

Everyone is just looking for answers.



Jeanie Mayer

Freelance Writer in the Wild- specializing in marketing and business promotion, media writing, non-fiction & flash fiction.