What I Learned about “Product Roadmap” from Stanford Product Management Accelerated

Getting from Company Strategies to Product Roadmap

Jean Huang
8 min readApr 4, 2023
Decomposing a company strategy into a product roadmap, by Jean Huang

I’m recently taking the online Stanford program Product Management: Accelerated. One of the lectures I found very helpful for product managers is about how we derive a product roadmap from company-level strategies and product strategies. Whether you’re a seasoned product manager or just starting out in the field, this article has something for you. Here we go!

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Objectives come before strategies

Before creating a product roadmap, we must first have a product strategy. Before having product strategies, we must first identify the objectives.

A strategy is a series of actions organized to achieve a specific objective.

While this may seem simple, it is not always easy to achieve in the workplace. Before proposing a solution, we must know what problem we are trying to solve. Otherwise, we may be stuck and don’t know if the project is making progress or addressing the real problem.


The key to setting objectives is “simple and concise” so everyone can quickly grasp the main ideas. In companies, it is…



Jean Huang

Product Manager | LinkedIn @ jean-huang | 舊金山灣區產品經理