Author Week 3 Run ©Jeanell Norvell

Embracing the Vegan Adventure and Kicking Diet Coke to the Curb: Week 3

Jeanell Norvell, LPC, Ph.D.


It’s the end of the third week of my 8-week journey towards a healthier lifestyle; I’m excited to share my experiences and insights with you. For those just joining us, I started this challenge under my primary care doctor’s supervision by stopping my medications linked to high cholesterol and allergies, adopting a vegan diet, and saying goodbye to my beloved Diet Coke. I’m on this journey because of my family health history, which includes cancer, Type 2 Diabetes, and heart disease.

For years, I’ve struggled with my health metrics. My A1C is at an elevated 6.1, and my BMI recently hit 26.6. Over the last two years, Crestor helped decrease my cholesterol from 258 to 167. At the same time, while taking Crestor, my weight increased, and my A1C increased from 5.7 to 6.1.

The results so far are positive. At the end of week 3, my BMI was down almost 1 point to 25.7. I am moving closer to the 24.9 normal weight range. My morning fasting glucose level has dropped 15 points. The real results will be measured at the end by an A1C and cholesterol tests.

I aim to see if a vegan lifestyle can help me keep cholesterol down while coming off medications that may have contributed to higher A1C. I am doing immunotherapy to replace the antihistamines. The first two weeks were a…



Jeanell Norvell, LPC, Ph.D.

Counselor Educator- I am on a mission to destress life transitions with research-backed tips to improve mental wellness.