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Nine Ways to Celebrate Earth Day

Jeanell Norvell, LPC, Ph.D.


Earth Day is an annual event celebrated in the United States and worldwide to raise awareness about environmental protection and sustainability. Every April 22nd, people of all ages come together to learn about ways to reduce their carbon footprint and do their part to protect the planet.

Mental health and Earth Day are connected in the sense that taking care of mental wellness can lead to an improved relationship with the environment. For instance, spending time outdoors in nature can reduce stress levels, improve mood, and even help with problems related to concentration. By prioritizing mental health, we can have a healthier connection to our planet and take better care of it.

Earth Day celebrations in the United States typically involve public rallies, clean-up campaigns, tree plantings, educational seminars, art projects, and social media campaigns. Additionally, some cities host festivals or parades with music performances, educational displays, and other eco-friendly events.

One of the most popular Earth Day events held in cities across the US is the planting of trees. Tree plantings allow local communities to come together while making a difference in their environment by encouraging growth. It also serves as a potent reminder that we can make positive changes for our future generations with collective effort.



Jeanell Norvell, LPC, Ph.D.

Counselor Educator- I am on a mission to destress life transitions with research-backed tips to improve mental wellness.