Ethan Jean for 17–18 IDC rep

Ethan Jean
8 min readFeb 21, 2017


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Hey everyone,

My name is Ethan Jean, and I am running to be your 2017–2018 IDC rep.

Who is the JEANius?

Some call me Ethan, others call me EJ, but I like to call myself “the jeanius” to make myself feel better sometimes. I’ve just started half of my high school life, and I am looking forward to the next 3.5 semesters filled with derivatives and rhetorical analyses. In the last couple of years, I have come to the realization that I have no qualifications, nor talent to be featured on The Voice, so I decided to become “the voice”. I am a problem solver. I am always compelled to solve the little problems and the big issues that are present in my life–little things ranging from math problems to bigger issues such as peacemaking and consoling. I am always there to be the solution. With that said, fellow Vikings, let me address the issues in your life. Furthermore, allow me to solve the problems in your school life to make your remaining years at Lynbrook more memorable and enjoyable.

If you were too lazy to read about the JEANius, allow me to solve this problem for you and summarize the paragraph. It’s as simple as this: I want to serve as your voice, translate your issues to the district, and work with you all to solve the issues that are prominent on campus.

What is IDC?

Students often wonder what IDC really is, what IDC does, and even what IDC stands for. Here is an exact definition of IDC, as written on the FUHSD website.

The Intra-district Council, or IDC, is a group of representatives from all five schools in the Fremont Union High School District. The student membership is composed of two IDC representatives from each school, the ASB President from each school and the FUHSD Student Board Member. IDC plans district-wide events, including rallies, dances and student exchanges between schools. The representatives also provide information to the Student Board Member to report back to the Board of Trustees.

To sum up the definition, IDC unites and promotes positive relationships between students within the district through events such as IDC Fantastics, IDC exchanges and the newly developed IDC dance. Lynbrook’s two IDC representatives represent the voices and concerns of Lynbrook students and work with the council as a whole to improve each Viking’s high school experience. I hope that this gives you a better idea of what IDC is and what the council members do.

8 reasons to vote for Ethan Jean, you WON’T believe #6!!!

just kidding… I compressed several different factors into two thoughts. If you have any questions on qualifications or want me to elaborate on certain things, feel free to email me! (

  1. I’m not an old, wise sage! I am always open to new ideas and opinions to help me create a better experience for you guys. I am fair, and I will treat every single opinion with the same amount of care and attention. Trust me, I’m going to be asking for YOUR help and YOUR opinions on different issues.
  2. I am confident in my social skills and my ability to communicate with others. If elected, I will hold the responsibility of carrying out your ideas to the district scale. I am your voice. In the past year of ASB, I worked with the Athletics commission to plan our homecoming game, in which I relayed pertinent information between our administration and companies to effectively carry out our mission and agenda, including our Homecoming water bottles and better shirt deals. This year, a few compassionate individuals and I co-founded Pharm-Tech, a new organization who’s mission is to showcase the pharmaceutical and biotechnological fields to our student body. I have worked endlessly to ensure our club’s success by reaching out to different biotech companies in the area and contacting scientists to present to our student body. Needless to say, I have the necessary experience, determination, and motivation to carry out YOUR vision into FRUITION as your next IDC rep. I believe that with the help of you, I can build a better campus. Your voice=my voice.



  • IDC website (for openness and transparency): Meeting agendas, future plans, and a master IDC calendar will be available to EVERYONE on this site.
  • Exchange video: I believe that an introductory video MUST be released in the beginning of the year to help incoming freshmen gain a better idea of what IDC is and how to engage in exchanges. In the video, qualifications and criteria of a fit candidate will be released to prevent complaints of bias and further confusion on who can be a viable candidate.


  • Google poll: I’m sure that many of you saw the initial release of an “issues on campus” form, but it wasn’t ever seen again since that day. I propose to increase student input to get your voice heard at the district level, and I will also incorporate your input into an enhancement of the district and Lynbrook. Let’s work together to raise Viking pride.
  • Foster Viking school pride via plethora of activities and methods.
  • Celebratory events (Assemblies, district-wide recognition event, etc. The point is to celebrate achievements more! Make the students aware and PROUD of everyone’s accomplishments. Everyone loves humble bragging)


  • Recognition Event: Lynbrook, let us recognize the many talents and specialties of the diverse population in our district. This will create a sense of a district family: a family of district pride, a family that supports each other. This is also a great way to recognize the hidden talents of all the students in the FUHSD and to make new friends. An awards ceremony or a show will be planned to honor the students.
  • Fundraiser: I propose to hold multiple FUNdraisers this year to raise money for the IDC budget. If enough funds are earned, this money will subsidize costs of tickets to different IDC events. Below listed are examples of fundraising ideas that could be implemented throughout the district.

1.Student silent auctions where students are able to auction and bid on other students’ services and talents.

2.Seasonal events (i.e: xmas wrapping stations, selling Mother day gifts, Halloween pumpkin patches, etc)

3. and more! I will be polling Lynbrook for new ideas!

  • Community engagement projects: In order for our district to function correctly, the different schools must learn to work together, which is why I propose holding several community engagement projects to not only get to know each other better, but also give back to our community which has given us so much. We not only will be impacting an organization for the betterment of the society, but also give the community a sense of what value we can bring to our local community.

Saturday in Service program — for 1 Saturday each semester, IDC will establish a voluntary service project in the community for the different schools. The events could be anything from volunteering at a food bank, helping out at an animal shelter, helping pick up trash, setting up an open tutoring session for younger students, volunteering at a library, working with sustainable foods, teaching ESL classes or American citizenship classes to help immigrants pass the American citizen class, etc. The options are endless, but regardless of the event, this program will indefinitely create new friendships and stronger bonds between the different schools, thus uniting the district.

IDC Fantastics competition-

This event certainly deserves its own section. For those of you who don’t know, IDC fantastics is the most lit INTRA-DISTRICT rally ever. The five schools (Cupertino, Monta Vista, Homestead, Fremont, LYNBROOK) meet up at the host school’s gym to fight each other for the IDC cup and HUGE bragging rights with school pride on the line. The athletes play mini games and display their talents to support their respective schools. However due to logistical problems,Lynbrook was not able to host the event this year. (That’s what we tell the other schools, but in reality, everyone’s scared of Lynbrook. Who has won Fantastics for the last two years???)

  1. I will try my hardest to hold this event at Lynbrook. (My main goal is to start early to avoid logistical issues.)
  2. Create a lit promo video to recruit athletes, give the students a better idea of what Fantastics is, and to promote the event itself to increase school pride. (IDC x ASB Tech)
  3. Establish a district-wide spirit week leading up to Fantastics. (There will be a point system in which accumulated “spirit points” will be added to your Fantastics score.)

Your voice (aka What can I do for YOU):

I am your voice

Doing the dirty work:

I will be here for you at all times. I will be present at all meetings to ensure the best possible outcome for the district AND Lynbrook. With my history of being able to connect people, I can get the task done and accomplish what you guys want out of me. I will be engaging, and I DO NOT mind doing the dirty work to get the task done.

Let’s make Lynbrook more colorful — bring out the wonderful personalities.


  • Uniqueness
  • Personalities
  • Pride

Lynbrook, we have entered a grand era of innovation, filled with new philosophies and beliefs, yet one may wonder: where did these things stem from? When abstract ideas are blended into one unifying product, two things may occur: failure or success. For example, although the invention of the coke was accidental, coke was created through the mixture of, what was once thought to be, very diverse ingredients: kola nuts, cocoa beans, and carbonated water. What was planned to be a medication for morphine addiction, turned out to be a great drink. Today we live in a world filled with creative entrepreneurs that put very abstract ideas together to invent new things, such as the iPhone. Who would’ve ever thought that we would one day have a phone with touchscreen capabilities and the ability to play games, watch movies and take 4k video on a single device. I plan to do the same for Lynbrook: unite the diverse. Our district is filled with unique individuals with different perspectives of the district, and my goal is to combine all the different personalities at Lynbrook to create an united vision. Then, I plan to bring this to the district level to unite all 5 visions into one ultimate mission for the district to pursue. This is the effect of creating unity in diversity.

CELEBRATE! Celebrate us, accomplishments, togetherness, bring everyone together. (Let’s create a sense of pride for Lynbrook, a sense of pride for the district, a sense of pride to unify the students.)

