Jean HHricik
6 min readAug 16, 2019

As Above, So Below

Disclaimer — The following isn’t a news report. This is opinion developed from many sources, some of which are included for clarity, transparency, and rebuttal, and is the Free Speech that shares ideas.

As Above, So Below…

Middlemen continue to attempt to censor facts, in order to sell their wares. Trump is a Snake Oil Salesman In Chief. His inability to think long-term or deeply is the perfect mind-set for his trade. Power has made him dangerous to humanity and the planet — -

The Trump administration’s drive to cut climate change out of federal research and policy has been underway at the Environmental Protection Agency and Interior Department since Trump took office. The scientists and their advocates say it has now spread to the U.S. Navy, the Department of Agriculture, and the nation’s premier health protection agency, the CDC. — end of insideclimatenews info — -

The Reality Show presumption of American whiteness is the same hubris used by Trump to deny the Climate Change Crisis — --

The corporate puppets that now run the E.P.A., the Department of the Interior, and the Department of Agriculture are fulfilling Steve Bannon’s wet dream: “deconstructing the administrative state.”

Acting White House Chief of Staff, Mick Mulvaney, was giddy recently at a Republican confab where he boasted about how half the scientists at the F.D.A. and the Department of Agriculture are quitting because the administration abruptly moved their workplace headquarters out of Washington, D.C. to the midlands.

— — end of laprogressives info — -

American whiteness is another marketing program of capitalism.

The distraction of racism obscures the efforts from local-community members who are acting according to principles of our democratic (small d) Constitutional republic, when so-called Representatives of The People won’t. While the background efforts that have been ongoing over decades is censored by state-run/corporate-owned mainstream media, one hears too often of contamination when a news story can be promoted on that media, that will draw especial attention — —"If it takes filing a lawsuit to end violations of federal drinking water law, we’ll do it,” Claire Woods, an attorney with NRDC, said at the time. That lawsuit is pending. — — end of npr info — —

The first responsibility of government is to keep citizens safe. This indicates a dysfunctional US government.

Permaculture is a modern word for traditional lifestyle — —

As the Democratic candidates for president made their requisite swing through the Iowa State Fair this week, they stumped near hay bales and posted about it on Twitter. They also brought an unprecedented focus on agriculture’s connections with climate change — an issue that’s getting more traction among rural Midwestern voters and farmers in the wake of massive flooding and heat waves. — -end of insideclimatenews info — —

As above, so below — — - together the energetic forces of Starhawk, Alfred Decker, and two pioneering permaculture projects, this gathering will take us on a journey of transformation: regenerating inner and outer landscapes to manifest a new earth paradigm.

This unique workshop will bring together earth activists, change makers, rebels and dreamers from around the world to share some time in nature, strengthen our connections and deepen our creative vision.

— — — end of starhawk info — —

But beware, for those with the independence to color outside the lines of capitalistic hierarchical Establishment proscription, one will hear much from state-run/corporate-owned mainstream media of denigration of the old ways that don’t kill environment and people, or don’t provide corporate profits.

Abuse of the land for industrialization include agri-business, but also fracking. Both industrial processes harm the soil by pollution, which means our food supply is in danger for nutrients — -"The methane in shale gas is somewhat depleted in 13C relative to conventional natural gas,” Howarth wrote in the study, published Wednesday in the journal Biogeosciences. “Correcting earlier analyses for this difference, we conclude that shale-gas production in North America over the past decade may have contributed more than half of all of the increased emissions from fossil fuels globally and approximately one-third of the total increased emissions from all sources globally over the past decade.”

“The commercialization of shale gas and oil in the 21st century has dramatically increased global methane emissions,” he added. — — end of ecowatch info — -

Industrialization may be the most onerous violation of human and environmental rights, poisoning not only the soil, water, and air, but making our food supply less nutritious due to this contamination — -

Another reason I Love NYS — — PETITION — --- — NYS seems to work to address domestic violence. I stand in support.

Independence and a need to unburden oneself of the harness from capitalistic hierarchical Establishment is a reason many people are supporting the front-runner in NH, who is Bernie Sanders — — -

Commentators touch on the reason a vote for one who calls himself/herself a capitalist, misses the point.

Bernie Sanders seems to be an enlightened and gentle revolutionary — --

If the capitalistic hierarchical Establishment D Branch of the Capitalist Party D&R again disenfranchises Bernie Sanders voters, one will enthusiastically vote for Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins — -


Some voters in the US were disenfranchised due to Capitalist Party D&R election rigging that is controlled by political Parties. The Capitalist Party R&D, have as their objective, putting in place rules that ensure the candidate choice of a particular Establishment Party is put into office, even against the wishes of the voters.

Please remember political Parties have no standing under the US Constitution, but voters do have standing under the US Constitution. Due to disenfranchisement of 3rd-Party candidates, Bernie Sanders who is an Independent, chooses to run as a Democrat for President. If a voter is a member of a 3rd-Party, and wishes to vote for 3rd-Party politician Bernie Sanders, in the Democratic Primary, that voter may be disenfranchised of his/her Constitutional right of a free and fair election, as happened to a large number of voters in NYS in 2016.

One suspects these disenfranchised voters who may have felt defrauded of their right to vote in the 2016 Democratic Primary, voted for Trump in the 2016 general election. One believes this will happen again, because needless to say, the Capitalist Party R&D prefer chaos in the election system, which is a control mechanism for political Parties with no standing under the US Constitution, while the voters do have standing under the US Constitution. This is an interesting red-herring to wield a control that is not Constitutional.

*****Each state is different as to their voter registration guidelines. Anyone wishing to vote for Bernie Sanders for President in the Democratic Primary, should check to be sure they will not be disenfranchised at the polls, once again in 2020, as in 2016. A voter can easily switch between political Parties, rather than functioning as a captive Party loyalist, to a political Party that is not loyal to the voter. *****

Or one can be registered to vote, without being affiliated to a particular political Party. Please remember, the US Constitution supports free and fair elections for voters, but is blissfully unconcerned about political Parties. That some Americans believe “we are a 2-Party system”, is nothing but propaganda.

*****Be sure to check with your state to register to vote in the Primary according to your wish and by exercising your US Constitutional right to vote.*****

*****One may also advocate for ranked-choice voting, that will expand choices for voters, and provide a greater possibility of free and fair elections.*****


We can do better — — -Credit for this phrase belongs to a fellow financial planner, name to remain private, who expressed this opinion about 30 years ago, and which phrase was so non-threatening, sensible and meaningful, that it has echoed through one’s thoughts ever since. Any similarity of words used currently by public characters is coincidence. The English language has a limited number of words, which generally aren’t patented.

In Solidarity With People And Nature — ;; — Green Black Caucus

A Resource —