Jean HHricik
10 min readJul 1, 2020

Locally Essential Health

Consider — -This is not a news report. This is opinion developed from many sources, some of which are included for clarity, transparency, and rebuttal, and is the Free Speech that shares ideas.

Locally Essential….

The Southern Tier of NYS has been quietly dedicated to public safety. Politicians deserve to be monitored by the electorate in order that excellence of local governance continues. Both of Governor Cuomo and Jason Garner have done their best in the extraordinary Covid-19 pandemic that hit NYS so hard. The proof is in the pudding as to results. One believes NY’ers will continue in responsible personal actions.

Locally attention to nutritious food emanates from many places, to the benefit of everyone — - has the power to help people explore new flavors and types of food. The ability to empower farmers and growers to make a living. The chance to bring individuals and communities together.

— end of sustainableamerica info — week VINES will be hosting a garden workday at Abbott Street Community Garden! We plan to be spreading woodchips, mulching, and removing weeds that day so come prepared! You can sign up by pressing the button below and filling out our form!

On Wednesday, July 1st, VINES will be hosting a Pest Control Workshop over Zoom and Facebook Live as part of our Greenthumb Workshop Series! This workshop is free to attend and is great resource for any curious gardener trying to keep troublesome creatures at bay from their plants. Click the button below to be directed to our website where yo

— end of VINES info —

Good Health Is The Reason For Community Gardens…..

The Southern Tier of NYS is requesting some so-called leaders try to catch up to the veracity of We The People — —

On Thursday, July 2nd @ 5pm, community members are encouraged to rally and hold our elected officials accountable for their blatant disregard for marginalized voices. Join us at the Endicott War Memorial (1161 East Main St. Endicott, NY) as we demand justice. Face Masks + Social Distancing in full effect

Facebook Event Link:



Another reason I love NYS — --

He says his upset over Engel came down to mobilizing people who are “disenfranchised and ignored” by the political establishment. “We didn’t just target those who consistently vote in primaries. We targeted everyone,” he says. Looking forward, he describes his support for Palestine, a rent strike and police accountability. — end of democracynow info — -

A system change away from capitalism and centralization is the answer to our propensity to demand infinite growth with finite resources. Both of the Democratic monopoly and Republican monopoly are working to retain an obsolete, exploiting, and privileged system of hierarchy. To imagine a new way of living in our world is essential — -“It is alarming to see carbon taxes included as part of the Democrats’ proposed solution. This is no time or place for regressive policies that have already proven to be colossal failures. Fossil fuel corporations embrace these phony pricing schemes because they know that these policies only entrench their existence.

— end of foodandwaterwatch info — press freedom violations during ongoing protests

The numbers we’re releasing on Twitter show the scale and scope of press freedom incidents reported to us. As we independently verify and publish, find all incidents here: Press Freedom in Crisis. We’re working as fast as we can to create long-term, precise and searchable documentation of these events. For up-to-the-minute information, follow us on Twitter @uspresstracker.

— end of pressfreedomtracker info — -

What could be the reason for the bubble around Democratic and Republican as pertains to debates? This is censoring away information crucial to We The People in making informed choices for elections. If the policies of Bernie Sanders or Howie Hawkins were unworthy to be heard by the electorate, the Democratic and Republican organization at would be happy to expose their Capitalist candidates Biden and Trump to such a debate, because policies would be apparent in comparison. A Free Press would be essential in a democratic (small d) Constitutional republic. Instead we have and the state-run/corporate-owned Mainstream Media presenting Democratic campaigners as reporters and Republican campaigners as reporters, on their respective cable channels.

One finds the demonizing from the Red Team media, to promote Supremacy of a hue to be as dangerous as the demonizing from the Blue Team as they seem to attempt to match divisive rhetoric with divisive rhetoric, by blaming…………..especially women.

Here’s the deal. One doesn’t wish to paint one sex with the same brush, but statistically we will probably find more violence and physical aggression from males than from females. Stalking is a strategy used by some men to violate the space of women. Coupled with propensities toward violence and physical aggression, these traits are tools of patriarchy. Patriarchy is used to maintain control, such as in capitalistic hierarchical culture.

One points out specifically the Trump helicopter act when debating Hillary Clinton, than any women must recognize as sub-dignified. We can do better.

So when, for example, men decide to make a statement by stalking a woman walking her dog in a park, to ensure she picks up the poop, from the woman’s perspective, this can be a life-threatening situation. Combine this with Team Blue talking heads sniffing out shortcomings of women, and the stage is set, once again, to shift blame upon females, when men find their control slipping. At this point, in patriarchy, women are expected to play their enabling part.

One might almost say this is a Republican strategist and/or Democratic strategist campaign process.

Locally in the Southern Tier, a woman is reportedly still hospitalized in critical condition when her peace officer spouse, demonstrated irritation.

Another story this morning is told about a woman missing from a military base, after having been ignored about claims of sexual harassment.

In fact, news about women who have been so abused, are not sparse. — — - — It is diabolical to use fear and intimidation by either of Team Red or Team Blue, to divide and conquer We The People, byway of MSM talking heads paid to do so by their respectively-supported political Party..

The only reason for these empty insinuations must be to stir the pot of Republican Base and/or Democratic Base. If, for example, debates would include third-Party candidates, who actually develop serious policies by which to govern, rather than playing personalities, the electorate could make better choices. Howie & Angela #13

For example, how would Biden and Trump respond to the Bernie Sanders proposal, and why has the Democratic Base chosen to vote against his policies? — —

re than 60 progressive advocacy groups representing millions of members across the U.S. are pressuring senators to pass an amendment led by Sen. Bernie Sanders that would cut the proposed Pentagon budget by 10% and redirect the $74 billion in savings toward funding healthcare, education, jobs, and housing in impoverished and neglected communities.

— end of portside info —

For those who have yet to figure out elections… into office the politicians who promote your interests……….

Meanwhile, many women are working toward public safety advocacy; one being Jane Fonda — -- us on Friday, July 3 (11 am PT / 2pm ET) for our latest Fire Drill Fridays virtual rally! Jane Fonda will be joined by Winona LaDuke (Honor the Earth), Maurice Mitchell (

Working Families Party

), and Hop Hopkins (

Sierra Club

) — some of the most inspiring activists and organizers in our movement — for a conversation around what freedom really means in the US.

Together, we’ll explore themes around the intersection of climate and racial justice, and discuss what independence from fossil fuels, police brutality, corporate control of our government, and systemic oppression looks like.

We hope you’ll tune in! And please be sure to RSVP and invite your friends to join as well. The rally will be streamed across our social media platforms.

— end of facebook post — -


Demand that The League of Women Voters again host political debates. — is the Democratic corporation and Republican corporation collaboration that has monopolized into censorship, 3rd-Party candidates, pertaining to political debate. open discussion by emailing

For further inquiries, please contact the Commission on Presidential Debates at or by phone at (202) 872–1020.

More information about each of the 2020 general election debates can be found at the following links:

First presidential debate:
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
University of Notre Dame

Suppression begins with the political debates that exclude 3rd-Party candidates. Included in the Democratic and Republican Presidential Debate, should be Green Party Presidential candidate Howie Hawkins, who actually has public policies to discuss. Excluding one with actual plans in place, will guarantee a Reality-Show Presidential Debate stand-up comedy routine, if the debaters are Biden and Trump.

One has come to realize the extent of the censorship of Speech in the USA pertaining to debate restrictions. This seems to be the reason Independent Party Presidential candidate has attempted to champion the voices of the majority of voters outside of Democratic Party domination, by running for President in the Democratic Party.

However going forward, the key will be to demand Free Speech in Presidential debates, along with other political races across the nation. If we do not demand this freedom of Speech, our elections will remain as laughable as the elections of the Former USSR in which one candidate was presented for whom to vote.


RepublicansIndependentsDemocrats%%%2020 Feb 17–283039292020 Feb 3–163339262020 Jan 16–293042272020 Jan 2–15274527

— — end of party affiliation info — —

And many of the most non-Establishment voters are in the Green Party.

**************************************As a Green Party registered voter routinely, one re-registers every 4 years into the Democratic Party to be able to cast a vote in the Democratic Primary for Bernie Sanders. One is positive one is not alone in doing so.

Lost in the fog of political corruption over several decades, is the fact that the Presidential debates were once in the capable hands of the League of Women Voters — -- objectionable to the League, Neuman said, were conditions in the agreement that gave the campaigns unprecedented control over the proceedings. Neuman called “outrageous” the campaigns’ demands that they control the selection of questioners, the composition of the audience, hall access for the press and other issues.

“The campaigns’ agreement is a closed-door masterpiece,” Neuman said. “Never in the history of the League of Women Voters have two candidates’ organizations come to us with such stringent, unyielding and self-serving demands.”

Neuman said she and the League regretted that the American people have had no real opportunities to judge the presidential nominees outside of campaign-controlled environments.

— — end of lwv info — -

In other words, (paraphrase) patriarchy says, “we’ll handle it from here, little ladies” — - studying the election process in 1985, the bipartisan National Commission on Elections recommended “turning over the sponsorship of Presidential debates to the two major parties”. The CPD was established in 1987 by the chairmen of the Democratic and Republican Parties to “take control of the Presidential debates”. The commission was staffed by members from the two parties and chaired by the heads of the Democratic and Republican parties… (wikipedia)

— -end of straty info — - Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) was established in 1987 to ensure, for the benefit of the American electorate, that general election debates between or among the leading candidates for the offices of President and Vice President of the United States are a permanent part of the electoral process. CPD’s primary purpose is to sponsor and produce the quadrennial general election debates and to undertake research and educational activities relating to the debates. The organization, which is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) corporation, sponsored all of the presidential debates in 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016

— -end of debates info — -The Commission on Presidential Debates, replacing the League of Women Voters, controls who can debate and on which topics. They call this educating the public, others may see this as brainwashing. The CPD would profit by hearing from We The People, as to concerns about censorship. The censorship seems to have become so blatant, that petitions to the CPD have reached into the hundreds of thousands. PETITION — — - you all for continuing to share and support this petition. Within the last couple of days, I have composed and sent an e-mail to the Commission on Presidential Debates. The message reads as follows: — — end of info — -

Commission Leadership


Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr.
Dorothy S. Ridings
Kenneth Wollack

Honorary Co-Chairs

Gerald R. Ford*
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan*
George W. Bush
Barack Obama

Co-Chair Emeritus

Paul G. Kirk, Jr.

Board of Directors

John C. Danforth
Charles Gibson
John Griffen

Yvonne Hao
Jane Harman
Antonia Hernandez
Reverend John I. Jenkins

Newton N. Minow
Richard D. Parsons
Olympia Snowe

Executive Director

Janet H. Brown

* Deceased

© COPYRIGHT 2020 THE COMMI — -end of debates so-called leadership — —

This also filters out any other than Democratic Establishment and Republican Establishment views. This means We The People have nothing to say in our own governance.

Consider the large number of voters who do not embrace the policies of either of the Democratic Establishment or Republican Establishment, and the fact that the Democratic Establishment and Republican Establishment have swindled the American electorate out of unbiased information directly from possible Presidential choices; often outside of the Capitalist Party D&R. Since these disgusting events in the ‘80’s, state-run/corporate-owned MSM has consistently indoctrinated We The People into accepting the falsehood that “we are a 2-Party system”. This has had the effect of rending illegitimate, the deeply legitimate tradition of free, clean, and fair elections.

In other words, politicians are now choosing their voters, rather than voters choosing their politicians.

Acting on the human frailty of ignorance combined with arrogance, and using as an example the Democratic Establishment, one recognizes what is called a Democratic Base that believes in their right to dictate to others, their voting choices.

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In Solidarity With People And Nature — ;; — Green Black Caucus

A Resource —
