Jean HHricik
8 min readMar 23, 2019

The Space Of Other People

Disclaimer — -The following isn’t a news report. It is opinion developed from many sources, some of which are included for clarity, transparency, and rebuttal, and is the Free Speech that attempts to share ideas.

The Space Of Other People….

Respect for the personal space of other people is necessary to support equality and justice for all, that is suggested in democratic (small d) Constitutional republics, and particularly under the US Constitution. This is a reason capitalistic hierarchy is so offensive to the precepts of this system. The hubris on display from Establishment, too often and toward so many people, must be named, with all due respect — —

Rather than screaming, “who do you people think you are?”, one will suggests views that insinuate this question.

Religious bias by Establishment, seems a deeply personal violation to many people.

Mr. Parveen’s experience was not an isolated incident. While President Trump and his administration have repeatedly proclaimed their commitment to religious liberty, in practice, this has only translated to religious freedom for some. Detained immigrants are apparently not among them. Detained immigrants from various faiths — Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, and Christians — have reported incidents in which Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement brazenly violate their religious-freedom rights.

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Within many religions one will find sensitivities that are not understood within the grosser society. This is fine, except when that society decides sensitivity doesn’t suit that society, and must be diminished into a banality they can understand and manipulate.

This may be a reason for the quite specific mention of separation of church and state in the US Constitution, that isn’t generally honored in the US.

Less subtle but as presumptuous is surveillance of people due to their skin color — --

The FBI appears to be targeting Black activists in a secret intelligence program concerning so-called “Black Identity Extremists”

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A silent hybrid of these civil rights offenses by government, is the blatant derision inflicted on those following the natural way, which may include one or all of Buddhism, Hinduism, Indigenous beliefs, or Wicca. These may have little to do with each other aside from a comfortable relationship with the natural world. These are also beliefs that generally don’t include proselytizing.

May one offer a recent example of Establishment hierarchical expression of this pretension of superiority — — — A personal opinion about Arthur C. Brooks, having watched his book promotion on c-span, was acknowledgement of his positive, happy-go-lucky, hail-fellow-well-met personality that mirrors that of many capitalistic hierarchy (Mick Mulvaney for example — could put a sunny spin on a plane crash, and may need to).

Mr. Brooks spun off instance after instance of oxymoron in his perspectives, in one person’s opinion. Examples from Brooks — -

* Capitalism has raised people out of poverty — Reality suggests poverty will simply be more expensive, due to hierarchy intrinsic to capitalism

Income inequality is startlingly wide in 2019, contrary to notions of justice and equality

* Brooks refers to his Christian religion as supportive of his ideas, while the verdict is still out that Jesus was a capitalist — This seems an especially ugly

distortion perpetrated by capitalistic hierarchy with a special nod to the Religious Right

* Brooks expresses his respect for missionaries seeking to convert others to his perspective, which may be more indicative of the hierarchy of capitalism

rather than respect for the ideas of others, and when capitalism and proselytizing partner, we may have imperialism

* This capitalism/proselytizing presumption has especially deadly effects on local communities, often genocidal — — — Which practices were first perfected against natural-religion followers of Europe preliminary

to inflicting the same on indigenous people around the globe

* Just as “clear-eyed capitalist” Clinton associated herself with MLK, suggesting his embrace of capitalism, one continues to be troubled by capitalistic hierarchical Establishment that does the same — —

* Brooks also name-drops the dalai lama in the same breadth with capitalism, which is also troubling —

* Some of these are reasons one is curious at the Religious Right association of Christianity with capitalism, Mr. Brook included as a capitalist, status unknown about Religious Right

Mr. Brooks presumption that he is an admirable Establishment hierarchical character because he supports the work of missionaries, totally ignores the effect this chauvinism may have upon the other. If white supremacy is recognized by some people as offensive, why isn’t religious supremacy so recognized?

The flowery discussion of this religious supremacy should be accompanied by the physical manifestation and end result of this notion — —

Discovery doctrine has been severely condemned as socially unjust, racist, and in violation of basic and fundamental human rights.[12] The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues noted Discovery doctrine “as the foundation of the violation of their (Indigenous people) human rights”.[13]

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The awesome protection within The Discovery Doctrine, of patriarchy and hierarchy, does not touch on but surely is a theory of the attitude that promoted what has been too often called “witch hunts”.

May one say that if the same hunting down and murdering of so many of those following the natural way, which people are too often defined with the stereotypical appellation “witch”, and which process is stereotyped into the definition “witch hunt”, which implies atrocities perpetrated for no reason against the other, and is a term used all most daily in public discourse, was used in terms that stereotyped the tracking down and murdering of any other group of historically persecuted people, the outcry would be loud, as it should be.

This is a reason one points out the discrimination and violence in religious chauvinism.

The origin of this phrase is revolting, inhumane, and based on historical actions.

In fact, witches and witchcraft seem to be the paranoid maundering of chauvinistic religious authority originating from their own overstepping into the space of other people — --

One brings up this topic in 2019, due to a similar insinuation of power and greed, that seems equally aggressive toward those who understand, are comfortable with, and respect nature. This understanding, comfort, and respect doesn’t include criticism against anyone else’s religion, only a wish to be allowed civil, human, and environmental rights without tinkering from religious or political chauvinists.

By the way, to steal this phraseology of “witch hunt” really isn’t offensive, just ignorant, of which we’re all guilty from time to time, except for the suborning of same by misogynists wielding their craft.

This isn’t a theoretical religious discussion; one is supremely uninterested in how others choose to approach their Creator. The issue is the chauvinism that is inflicting real harm against other people — —

The hubris of religious chauvinism has authored such statements as, “they worship trees”. This crass simplicity of insult ignores (as in ignorant) the reality that is manifesting in Climate Change and killing people. To understand the relationship between people and nature, doesn’t translate into “they worship trees”.

While noting that “power without love is reckless and abusive,” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. pointed out that “love without power is sentimental and anemic.” All too often, progressive activists don’t realize their own potential power when they rely on ethical arguments to persuade authorities. Appealing to the hearts of people who run a heartless system is rarely effective.

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As they say, “your right to swing your fists end at the nose of the other”.

We are spending far too much time investigating “The Russians”. The problem is nearer than Russia. Let’s start with submissive consumerism, as a problem.

Perhaps an Establishment-promoted presumption of tolerating imperialism rather than honoring our military by expecting them to do nothing but to protect the Homeland, could be a lie with which to start — -- — Veterans For Peace….They should know.

Hmmm….1970's……that would include Jimmy Carter, who capitalists derided for putting solar panels on the WH roof, Bill Clinton who deflected away from actions to protect We The People in his campaign slogan “it’s the economy, stupid”, George W. who it’s anyone’s guess about his thoughts, probably including his own guess, Reagan who deflected with floating everybody’s boat, and Obama in the back pocket of superpacs — — -

— — — The 2008 Financial Meltdown included Obama and Dimon joined at the hip — — WARNING — -language----

And in 2019, we have whiners about witch hunts, like they would have a clue.

That capitalistic hierarchical Establishment characters have begun to bring lawsuits against citizens expressing Free Speech, is in keeping with the war against whistle blowers, developing a culture by which people can only speak to each other through lawyers. This, of course, is good for business — —

— -And with Citizens United in place, which is the illegitimate Supreme Court decision that legalized corruption in elections, big-money interests buy the politicians and tell them what the law will be, in one person’s view.

This mirrors a time in NYS, when one watched lawyers ramping up around the fracking issue, ready to protect either or both sides of pro or con fracking individuals, and explaining their presence by the explanation of “protecting rights”.

The Pyramid Nation grows….or should we say contracts….toward the pinnacle of a monarchy.

Speaking of other people’s space, one would request corporate-owned mainstream media to respect the same — -- — In 2016, corporate-owned mainstream media censored Bernie Sanders, in 2019, they are simply lying about his campaign.

Tulsi Gabbard will face corporate-owned mainstream media and Establishment criticism, also — -- mainstream media is skeptical of this candidate, probably due to her independence, integrity, and confidence

Andrew Yang will be ignored by corporate-owned mainstream media because they can’t grasp economics — -- mainstream media is skeptical of this candidate

Politics isn’t reality — -- — We The People are reality — — Meaningful discussion from John Trudell

Comedy of politics — -- — Still time for the Dick joke, if anyone can get past a different perspective….tread carefully, censor-goons may be watching

We can do better — — -Credit for this phrase belongs to a fellow financial planner, name to remain private, who expressed this opinion about 30 years ago, and which phrase was so non-threatening, sensible and meaningful, that it has echoed through one’s thoughts ever since. Any similarity of words used currently by public characters is coincidence. The English language has a limited number of words, which generally aren’t patented.

In Solidarity With People And Nature — ;; — Green Black Caucus

A Resource —