Jean HHricik
12 min readJan 18, 2020

Who Controls American Politicians?

Disclaimer — -The following isn’t a news report. This is opinion developed from many sources, some of which are included for transparency, clarity, and rebuttal and is the Free Speech that shares ideas.

Who Controls American Politicians?….

Inordinate clamp-down of the general public by lawmakers grows; the question is why. What is the reason for the apparent disrespect by our government toward We The People? Is authoritarianism the end result of politics? That notion is a perversion.

A deep dive is unnecessary to uncover the most atrocious evidence that in the US court system, as in society in general, it is preferable to be guilty and rich than innocent and poor — - — -“That it was possible for Epstein to have so many opportunities to interact with members of our community is distressing and unacceptable; I cannot imagine how painful it must be for survivors of sexual assault and abuse. Clearly, we must establish policy guardrails to prevent this from happening again.” — In a recent statement, the Executive Committee of the MIT Corporation said, “The Committee is disappointed by the errors in judgment in accepting donations from Epstein and in keeping them secret. While it is true that MIT did not have in place a policy for vetting controversial donors or accepting money from them, the report makes clear there were multiple opportunities to stop the Epstein donations and halt efforts by Joi Ito and Seth Lloyd to cultivate him as a donor. It is regrettable that no one with the knowledge, opportunity and the authority to do so stepped up to end the Epstein funding.”-end of nationofchange info —

Halls of higher learning seem embroiled in scandals of all kind pertaining to greed and privilege. This story of presumption dovetails with the erroneous argument in NYS from some so-called lawmakers, that to permit suspects not yet convicted of a crime, to get out of jail without paying a bail, due to the danger to the public. At the same time evidence continues to grow of convicted sex offender Epstein was not incarcerated far too long, and continuing some sort of business association with what can only be defined as capitalistic hierarchical Establishment — —

As politicians stress their concern for the safety of the public when there is no bail for non-violent crimes, one still hasn’t heard the reason that the wealthy suspect who can afford bail, is less of a danger to the public.

or days leading up to ABC’s exclusive interview with Palfrey, investigative reporter Brian Ross teased that Palfrey’s clientele included White House officials, lobbyists, and Pentagon, FBI, and IRS employees, as well as prominent lawyers. “There are thousands of names, tens of thousands of phone numbers,” Ross said.

But ABC backed away from naming names, and Palfrey accused the network of bowing to government pressure by withholding them

— -end of vice info — -

Why were names withheld and isn’t that a tool of coercion? Does this suggest the political Party loyalty we see today, that is destroying principles of our democratic (small d) Constitutional republic. Maybe it isn’t about the next election cycle, maybe it’s about past indiscretion. Let’s face it, the names accumulated by the above-mentioned sex purveyors are somewhere.

Why is an environmental public-safety advocate of less concern as pertains to stature among capitalist hierarchical Establishment, than Hillary Clinton? — - Honduras, a new report by the Violence Observatory at the Honduran National Autonomous University says that at least 15 women have been murdered in the first 14 days of this year. Violence against women, LGBTQ people, indigenous leaders and environmental activists has skyrocketed in Honduras under the U.S.-backed government of President Juan Orlando Hernández. — -end of democracynow info — - week, indigenous environmental activist Berta Cáceres was assassinated in her home. In an interview two years ago, Cáceres singled out Clinton for her role supporting the coup. “We’re coming out of a coup that we can’t put behind us. We can’t reverse it,” Cáceres said. “It just kept going. And after, there was the issue of the elections. The same Hillary Clinton, in her book, ‘Hard Choices,’ practically said what was going to happen in Honduras. This demonstrates the meddling of North Americans in our country. The return of the president, Mel Zelaya, became a secondary issue. There were going to be elections in Honduras. And here she [Clinton] recognized that they didn’t permit Mel Zelaya’s return to the presidency.” We play this rarely seen clip of Cáceres and speak to historian Greg Grandin. — -end of democracynow info — -

One might almost imagine Hillary Clinton is at the core of the upcoming Women’s March — --

Black Lives Matter-Los Angeles has been excluded from the 4th Annual Women’s March in Los Angeles. WMLA did not invite Black Lives Matter to participate, failed to respond to an email request for inclusion, and further refused speaking time during a subsequent telephone conversation. This marks the first time that BLMLA will not participate and is the culmination of ongoing disagreement and tension where Black Lives Matter and some of our members, including children, have experienced significant harm at the hands of WMLA. Beyond the specific harms, BLMLA has been compelled to challenge the liberal White-supremacy practiced by WMLA: the same kind of anti-Black feminism employed by White and privileged women during the suffrage and liberal feminist eras. — -end of laprogressives info — -

One has heard that the Black community isn’t a monolith while it sometimes suggests the Feminist movement is. Adding to this disinformation is a strong voice from Clinton-supporting black women, that white women needed to have voted for Clinton rather than Jill Stein. So now the political compatriots of Clinton-style Feminism seem to exclude black women from the Women’s March. As one who self-defines as a ‘70’s era white Feminist….because I am… has often been challenged for reasons one cannot fathom. We each own our definition and it is the business of nobody else. That the Women’s March in Los Angeles excludes BLM, if this is the case, almost touches on the humorous, taking into consideration the denigration imposed upon some Feminists who don’t don the mantle of the Feminism personified by another.

This is the reason to avoid like the plague, the state-run/corporate-owned MSM style of politics that cling to racism and sexism, when policy is that which best includes all of We The People, rather than endless discussion about sexism or racism. So suggests this ‘70’s era white Feminist, with all due respect.

Might one suspect the Women’s March ignoring BLM in Los Angeles, and this is only a wild guess, consist of Hillary Clinton style Feminists who are capitalists, as has Clinton expressed is her self-definition, and work at cross-purposes to many of the requirements of some of We The People? — -- CALIFORNIA COMPANY that evicted a group of homeless mothers from a West Oakland, California, home this week is the force behind a sprawling national home-flipping operation. Through a related entity, the company, Wedgewood Properties, also benefited from a controversial government program to offload distressed, federally insured loans to investors.

— — end of theintercept info —

Could the intercept paragraph imply a definition of capitalism; and by what fever-dream would We The People prefer this scenario over a social democracy or eco-socialism? And yet, many do.

And as much as one enjoys speaking about racism and sexism, what about the environment and the effects of a poisoned natural world to the post-fetal among us? — --, a divided U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued two decisions in Juliana v. United States that found for the 21 Juliana plaintiffs in nearly every respect, but ultimately ruled that the courts cannot stop the government from harming children with its policies that cause climate change. Read our full press release here. — -end of ourchildrenstrust info — -

Desensitization has slowly grown under rule by capitalistic hierarchical Establishment. In order to tolerate factory farms and crops that are quasi-artificial as compared to organically grown harvests, the public needs to become comfortable with depravity.

When the Clinton campaign slogan of “it’s the economy, stupid”, the fact of corruption became real, of depravity as lifestyle. When anything can be justified as long as it turns a profit, the result is violation of civil, human, and environmental rights. Capitalism eventually takes on the character of a Pyramid Scheme, and competition and violence becomes normal in order to survive. In the end this is barbarism in a suit., Minn. — Organic Consumers Association (OCA) today issued the following statement upon learning that Ben & Jerry’s will no longer claim on product packaging that its ice cream comes from “happy cows”:

“The removal of misleading ‘happy cow’ claims is a victory for consumers and an indication that Ben & Jerry’s can’t back up those claims,” said OCA International Director Ronnie Cummins. “But this is just one small step toward more honest representation of the Ben & Jerry’s brand. OCA will continue, through our own ongoing litigation against Ben & Jerry’s and its parent company, Unilever, to push for Ben & Jerry’s either to live up to its remaining marketing claims, or to remove all claims that have no basis in fact.”

— — end of organicconsumers info — — And this is only one corporation profiting among We The People, when perhaps a local-community decentralization could be the best opportunity to return to soundness.

One hears often from corporate-owned/state-run mainstream media, a snide and sophisticated disclaimer that “they don’t wish to be Pollyannaish”, whatever that implies. So what do they wish to be? Costello & The Attractions — (What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding

And in the end, integrity is better than corruption for surviving and thriving. For instance, state-run/corporate-owned MSM airheads could denigrate environmentalists as “Pollyanaish”, in their ivory tower. But in the long run, integrity takes the most dedicated courage to promote health — - Le Corum, a conference center and opera house, the pair discussed their findings. They had fed bees with extremely small amounts of neonicotinoids, or neonics, the most commonly used class of insecticides in the world. Neonics are, of course, meant to kill insects, but they are marketed as safe for insects that aren’t being directly targeted. — -end of theintercept info — -

Capitalism May Be Harmful To Nature

— -end of theintercept info — -

To be “Pollyannaish” may be the secret weapon of survival. It may be the reason capitalism is exposed for the Pyramid Scheme it is. It may be the reason for the success of Bernie Sanders as he promotes the integrity (courage) of a social democracy.

Embezzlement is bad, but so is this — -

Rep. Mark Pocan of Wisconsin is endorsing Bernie Sanders for President — --

Bernie Lands IMPORTANT Endorsement

Pocan is the co-chair of House Progressive Caucus. He says he shares values with Bernie Sanders. Values are important at this moment in human history. Will the Democratic Party be capable of selecting the most electable candidate for President in the person of Bernie Sanders?

The unprecedented influence of capitalistic hierarchical Establishment to undermine the general public are too numerous to name. But an informed citizen and voter will begin to recognize each as they occur, after dealing with pervasive conditioning to compliance.

In the face of state-run/corporate-owned mainstream media, that seems to have an Establishment mandate to denigrate Bernie Sanders, the voters seem compelled differently — -

The online poll, released Thursday, shows that 20% of registered Democrats and independents said they would back Sanders over 11 other candidates to run in the general election against President Donald Trump, an increase of 2 percentage points from a similar poll that ran last week.

— — end of aol info —

A reason may be the sincerity of Bernie Sanders as compared to politicians beholden to big-money donors — --"If you like your plan, you can keep it, assuming — I should add the obvious — if your employer doesn’t take it away from you,” said Biden.

“And with that, my friends, Joe Biden successfully makes the case for single payer healthcare,” tweeted activist Evan Sutton.

— -end of commondreams info — —

Well, yes, insecurity within the current system, is the obvious reason the US public requires a health care system that is not beholden to capitalistic hierarchical Establishment, whether that be employers or the insurance industry.

Watch corporate-owned/state-run MSM characters Baldwin and Sharpton, ply their MSM trade of disinformation — — Evicerates CNN’s Brooke Baldwin Sharpton so-called interviews Nina Turner

Not cool, guys.

Indoctrination by corporate-owned/mainstream media MSM restricts innovation. It’s healthy to consider an economy that works for everyone — —

Denmark, Sweden and Norway chose in the 1920s and ’30s to invent an alternative economic model that put the well-being of the people first, instead of the well-being of capital; economists call it “the Nordic model.”

The idea was that if a country’s working families were backed by assured health care, free education, good affordable housing and childcare, healthy environments, time for leisure, and job security, they would be productive workers. The money to pay for this investment would come from those with far more money than they needed.

The result was shared prosperity. — -end of yesmagazine info — -

Eco-socialism or social democracy or democratic socialism, it’s about We The People rather than the oligarchs. If voters are again disenfranchised of free, fair, and clean elections if they support Bernie Sanders, one will vote for Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins — -

Howie Hawkins — Ecological Socialism vs. Capitalist Exterminism


Some voters in the US were disenfranchised due to Capitalist Party D&R election rigging that is controlled by political Parties. The Capitalist Party R&D, have as their objective, putting in place rules that ensure the candidate choice of a particular Establishment Party is put into office, even against the wishes of the voters.

Please remember political Parties have no standing under the US Constitution, but voters do have standing under the US Constitution. Due to disenfranchisement of 3rd-Party candidates, Bernie Sanders who is an Independent, chooses to run as a Democrat for President. If a voter is a member of a 3rd-Party, and wishes to vote for 3rd-Party politician Bernie Sanders, in the Democratic Primary, that voter may be disenfranchised of his/her Constitutional right of a free and fair election, as happened to a large number of voters in NYS in 2016.

One suspects these disenfranchised voters who may have felt defrauded of their right to vote in the 2016 Democratic Primary, voted for Trump in the 2016 general election. One believes this will happen again, because needless to say, the Capitalist Party R&D prefer chaos in the election system, which is a control mechanism for political Parties with no standing under the US Constitution, while the voters do have standing under the US Constitution. This is an interesting red-herring to wield a control that is not Constitutional.

*****Each state is different as to their voter registration guidelines. Anyone wishing to vote for Bernie Sanders for President in the Democratic Primary, should check to be sure they will not be disenfranchised at the polls, once again in 2020, as in 2016. A voter can easily switch between political Parties, rather than functioning as a captive Party loyalist, to a political Party that is not loyal to the voter. *****

Or one can be registered to vote, without being affiliated to a particular political Party. Please remember, the US Constitution supports free and fair elections for voters, but is blissfully unconcerned about political Parties. That some Americans believe “we are a 2-Party system”, is nothing but propaganda.

*****Be sure to check with your state to register to vote in the Primary according to your wish and by exercising your US Constitutional right to vote.*****

*****One may also advocate for ranked-choice voting, that will expand choices for voters, and provide a greater possibility of free and fair elections.*****


We can do better — — -Credit for this phrase belongs to a fellow financial planner, name to remain private, who expressed this opinion about 30 years ago, and which phrase was so non-threatening, sensible and meaningful, that it has echoed through one’s thoughts ever since. Any similarity of words used currently by public characters is coincidence. The English language has a limited number of words, which generally aren’t patented.

In Solidarity With People And Nature — ;; — Green Black Caucus

A Resource —