MBSR: How to Use Mindfulness Against Stress
If you want to declare war on stress these days, you can hardly ignore MBSR. Behind the cryptic abbreviation hides a mindfulness method by the American doctor and molecular biologist Jon Kabat-Zinn. He developed an eight-week stress reduction course that helps relieve stress, anxiety, depression and pain. What MBSR exercises are there and how you can benefit from this method …
MBSR: what is it?
MBSR stands for Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction . Stress is the modern scourge of humanity — even if we in the western world do not have to worry about war or hunger. Conflicts with colleagues or in the family, but also extreme situations such as the death of a loved one, a serious illness or the loss of a job can lead to people feeling stressed.
This has a negative effect on well-being and health. The goal of MBSR is to achieve self-knowledge and thus inner harmony and serenity. Therefore developed Kabat-Zinn in the 1970s, the MBSR program, its scientific knowledge with Far Eastern experience from Bud — dhis — mus, combines yoga and Zen.
How does MBSR work?
The linchpin of this method is mindfulness . This is the targeted perception of feelings and thoughts. The special thing about it: Those who practice…