When the skin burns: bioenergetics and psychosomatics of Psoriasis

Jean Knutzen
4 min readJan 17, 2022
Photo by engin akyurt on unsplash

Let’s think of Psychosomatics , a branch of medicine and clinical psychology that deals with the connection between mind and body, trying to understand the links and paying particular attention to the role that emotion plays on the body and its affections.

It also allows us to highlight how the body represents a perfect communication tool for psychic discomfort .

The psychosomatic perspective looks at man as a unitary whole , in which the disease manifests itself both organically and psychologically: psychosomatic symptoms are expressed through the body , involving the autonomic and immune nervous system, in response to situations of malaise. or chronic stress and increase the risk of chronic inflammatory, neurodegenerative and autoimmune diseases.

The conversion of psychic symptoms or emotional discomforts into bodily symptoms occurs through the somatization process , but it must be specified that the psychosomatic organic manifestations represent real discomforts, which can lead to a very high level of suffering in different areas of life, compromising the functioning of the ‘individual; they are not intentionally produced nor are they the result of simulation.

Similarly, Bioenergetics “is an approach that integrates the body into the analytic process



Jean Knutzen

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