Our first Local Hack Day in Lubumbashi 🇨🇩

Jean Luc Kabulu
3 min readOct 27, 2019


Lubumbashi is a city in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Saturday, Oct 12, 2019

MLH? 🤔

MLH’s Local Hack Day, a global hackathon, is a celebration of learning, building, and sharing! This is the fifth year that MLH is organizing the local hacking day.

Heroes 🦸‍♀️

The MLH Local Hack Day at Esis Salama (my University 🏫) has been successfully organized and this is the first time this is happening in the DRC 🇨🇩. This is an initiative of a group of student volunteers ( Jean Luc Kabulu “ Developer Student Clubs Lead ”, Dan Kyungu “ Microsoft student partner Lead”, Eric Ampire “Kotlin Lubumbashi User Group Lead” , Nathan Bangwa “Microsoft student partner”, and with great support from a teacher: Eddysha Jabulani “Microsoft Certified Trainer) to help people to learn to program by creating useful micro-products. The motto is — Build to learn and learn to build. It was only an aptitude for them to collaborate with Hack to Learn volunteers.

Nathan Bangwa, Eddysha Jabulani, Eric Ampire, Dan Kyungu, and Jean Luc Kabulu (me 🤩)

achievements 🏗

What did we learn at this event?

Here’s basically what we’ve learned and from our mentors

  1. The importance of learning, building, and sharing : by Jean Luc Kabulu

2. How to collaborate with Github: by Eric Ampire

3. Send SMS and Phone Call with Twilio with C#: by Dan Kyungu

4. The Python Basics for AI: by Nathan Bangwa






on this wall, this is the twitter accounts of most people that were at our MLH

Thanks and see you Soon 🙌

thank you for reading me, especially I write articles about my experience of programmers in my city so do not hesitate to follow me on Twitter to know me more otherwise we see well in December for another MLH

follow me 🦶




Jean Luc Kabulu

Developer Student Club Lead |Flutter Lubumbashi lead|Github Campus Expert | FullStack Devs, And Proudly