How Hollywood actor Ezra Miller has been grooming underage girls for years

Jean-Marie Valheur
3 min readJun 11, 2022


And getting away with it, too.

He’s been in quite a few films, some of them blockbusters, some of them works of the more ‘artsy’ variety. And he tends to deliver. I’ve liked what he’s put out, and I enjoyed his acting. But as a human being, Ezra Miller is honestly… terrifying.

Earlier this year he got involved in a series of brushes with the law in Hawaii, in which he was so far arrested and released on bail three times and counting. He’s drunkenly assaulted several men and women, crashed parties he wasn’t invited to and even attempted to break into someone’s house and steal their property… Somehow, he got away with it. But things just, kept getting darker and darker.

A few months ago an ex-girlfriend of Miller accused him of sexual abuse, grooming her, strangling her… she posted a video detailing the accusations on TikTok, where it was quickly deleted. She hasn’t been heard from since.

And now, in June 2022, the family of a young indigenous activist named “Tonkata Iron Eyes” is accusing Miller of grooming their daughter since she was only fourteen years old. He is now reportedly ‘on the run’ with her and has ammassed somewhat of a harem of damaged underaged girls.

The majority of Ezra Miller’s victims belong to poor and disenfranchised communities. The sort of people a sociopathic abuser might assume “won’t be missed anyway”. The deeper one dives into the dynamics of Miller and his behavior, the more… messed-up and wrong it all becomes.

There is a pattern, and it goes back a long time. And studios have been made aware, but won’t act, ignoring all evidence pointing towards their star being bad news.

I’m honestly just astonished how it took only ONE accusation to completely unravel the career of Johnny Depp, while Ezra Miller, Jared Leto and R. Kelly have been doing much worse for much longer and have gotten away with it for ages. R. Kelly eventually did land behind bars, but not before he was able to cause tremendous harm to many young girls.

And I just hope the same won’t happen to Ezra Miller. I hope he won’t harm more girls and Warner Bros will finally open its eyes to the level of debauchery and criminal intent shown openly to the world.

If #MeToo has shown the world anything, it’s this — if you’re a haggard looking old man like Harvey Weinstein, your “time is up” but if you’re still handsome, somewhat of a bankable star, you’re young and you use they/them pronouns like Ezra Miller while prancing around in dresses you’re… somehow untouchable?

What a strange world to live in. But I do really hope someone will finally look into Mr. Miller and put this Nero-esque excess to an end already.

