The legend of Pete Davidson

Jean-Marie Valheur
2 min readMay 25, 2022


He’s a living piece of Hollywood lore and he hasn’t even reached the age of thirty yet… Pete Davidson. He puzzles me and not in a bad way. The news just broke he’s leaving Saturday Night Live to pursue ‘other career options’. This is, frankly, laughable reasoning.

Davidson hasn’t been known for his comedy in years. He’s not bad at what he does, mind you — I quite enjoy some of his bits, especially the one where he plays the clueless fellow who’s only line of dialogue is “okay” as he invokes the fiery passion of female characters and remains largely indifferent to it. That character sort of is Pete Davidson.

His ‘career’ more than being a funny man, is “dating a string of very rich and famous women”. All of them are richer, more famous and infinitely more successful and well-connected than Davidson. His latest conquest being none other than Kim Kardashian, and she’s just one in a long, long line of ladies. They sometimes say about an actress or female politician — she slept her way to the top! Sure enough, some ladies do. But so do some men, and Pete Davidson is a prime example. He’s a Forrest Gump of sex, a Don Quixote of the bedroom. And he probably cracks a joke or two. But lets face it… that’s not really what he does.

And I honestly salute him for it. I salute his dedication to “the craft” so to speak. He started off by dating comedy legend Larry David’s daughter, and has been ‘leveling up’ ever since in terms of the status of his revolving door of high-profile partners. He’s kind of a low-key modern legend. A donkey-dicked comedian who swims through life with this magnificent, zany aloofness.

Pete Davidson left SNL because there is nothing SNL has left to give him. It’s a dying show and he’s too much of a legend to waste his time on it. He’s off, banging his way into ever-greener pastures. Kim Kardashian is his current flame… one can only wonder now — who is next? How will he upgrade from his latest piece of Hollywood history? Time will tell. The Pete works in mysterious ways.

