WebDev Project Report

2 min readSep 26, 2022


Table of Contents


Project Presentation

Project Demonstration



The aim of this project is to understand and implements concepts that we covered during the semester.

The concepts consists of:


Relational database design and SQL

Object Persistence


Project Presentation

HTTP APIs — Using javalin webframe we create a Web API to retrieve tasks using the “get method and post method”

Relational database design and SQL — Understanding how to structure your data in a relational database further concepts that are introduced are tables, rows, columns, values, primary keys and foreign key while SQL is the language used by all relational database systems to define databases, read data from the database, and insert, update and delete data in the database.

Object Persistence — Before accessing the database from our application code, installing a suitable JDBC driver for our application to use to connect to the database is needed which will allows to persist through our databases.

HTML, CSS — We use HTML and CSS to create, structure and make the Web page presentable and interactive for the user.

Project Demonstration

For the demonstration we go through the setup, make sure we have the needed dependencies. we then run maven commands, mvn compile to compile the whole project,making sure we have a successful build and then run the mvn test make sure the program performs as expected through the project.

The project can be downloaded or cloned the project from Gitlab. Included in the project is a READ.ME file which briefs the user on the outline of the project, the installion procedure, the Build and run process. Further documentation is included in the different concepts classes.


Throughout the project I was able to further understand the four concepts, practically doing the project was very enjoyable. Starting with making an API and using the get and post methods as basic as it may have been, it was a good learning curve on how fundamentals of API’s work.

Relational database is a concept that I came to realize will be of use to me in the work place,storing of data and persisting through it is covered throughout the project and very simple but informative manner.

The concepts mentioned, whether as an independent program or a part of program make use of real life software projects.It will definitely be a project I go back for future referencing.

