The Benefits of Non-Profit Organizations According to Jeanne Rowzee

Jeanne Rowzee
3 min readMay 8, 2019


When the government doesn’t allocate enough money for a certain cause or an issue is being overlooked by people, non-profit organizations are usually there to help. Whether it’s hunger, a type of cancer, housing, children and more, non-profits work to lift people up who are struggling, with the goal of helping those in need. Jeanne Rowzee is the founder of the non-profit organization Homeward Bound Animal Rescue & Welfare Inc. which is an animal sanctuary that opened its doors in 2001. Jeanne Rowzee took the time to discuss some of the many benefits of non-profit organizations.

Non-profits Provide Funding

Non-profit organizations are extremely good at raising money and allocating it to good causes. With large donor lists and connections of people ready to put up funding to help, nonprofits provide excellent funding to the causes and groups they support. Jeanne Rowzee also states, non-profit organizations are a great resource for people who want to donate money. While people are often nervous about donating money because of past scams, non-profits can be reassuring and use funding for helping people.

Non-profits Help — And Grow — Communities

Unlike large corporations that cut an annual check to a good cause, non-profit organizations are usually intertwined within the community, holding events, seminars and other programs for community members. This type of engagement helps grow communities — not just in the local area but communities of people who are focused on a common cause. Jeanne Rowzee says that some organizations hold meet ups around the country to bring people together. At these events, people make new friends, discover new ways to help and grow stronger in their fight towards a common goal. This type of community building also increases funding and awareness and helps the non-profit grow.

Non-Profits Give Hope to Causes

We all know someone who has died or is suffering from a disease that has no cure yet. We’ve suffered with them. We’ve held their hands. And prayed for support and a cure. And that’s where nonprofits come in. They offer us home and shine a guiding light toward a cure or a solution. Non-profits work every day not to just support a cause but to end. They lead us in these fights, and we can rely on them for their work and for the hope they instill in us when we feel hopeless.

Non-Profits Raise Awareness

Often, problems affecting the lives of everyday people are underrepresented in the media or unknown to the general public. It’s impossible to find a solution to a problem that half the country doesn’t know exists. While non-profits are incredibly good at providing funding, Jeanne Rowzee says they’re even better at generating public awareness. Whether it’s through word-of-mouth, marketing campaigns or social media, non-profits are constantly working to let people know what they’re fighting for. This brings in new donors, volunteers and people who want to help. And it allows people in need of help to connect with the organization instead of being helpless.

Jeanne Rowzee’s Final Thoughts

Non-profit organizations have many benefits that help people across the world. Whether fundraising or funding, spreading awareness or acting as a beacon of hope, nonprofits continue to put people first and continue to help those in need.



Jeanne Rowzee

Jeanne is a passionate animal lover who enjoys playing sports and contributing to her community.