Monthly Musings –What I Learned in November

4 min readDec 4, 2018

What did the month of November teach you? Life offers us so many lessons, opportunities, challenges — always a learning process, a refining, a growth edge.

How are you living a reflective life? Each month I look back at what I am discovering, learning, and exploring in life — I call these my monthly musings. Capturing these special moments gives meaning, depth, and delight to life. Let’s wake up to the wonders in the ordinary all around us.

I record what I notice on the pages of my Monthly Musing Journal. You can use anything, scraps of papers, a journal, or a calendar. Copies of my Monthly Musing Journal are available on Amazon and are a convenient way to keep track of the little things in life we often miss. Or if you want to click the button at the end of this post to get a FREE copy of my one-sheet Monthly Musing handout.

What I Learned in November:

Three big lessons for me this month plus a celebration.

The first one is a no-brainer. Yes, Ireland is lovely and what a great experience to check this one off my bucket list. It’s on your bucket list, I hope. I find myself thinking back on this pilgrimage and smiling with a sense of great joy.

The second one is a hard lesson to name and share. Looking back onto 2018, I made a major time-consuming decision based more on my feeling of not being good enough (ironic and interesting to note that “enough” is my word of the year) and out of a sense…




Christian writer and speaker, retreat leader, spiritual director, Deacon, and loves organizing and planning information.