Fall Forage & End of Summer Mint

xShrooms: Seasons… Fall schedule & details.

3 min readSep 23, 2023

Shrooms, we made it through a full season!

Summer was a success and now we enter Fall Forage. Please scroll down for the full schedule and details! :)

Last seasons focus: giveaways, expansion, and traits.

This seasons focus: whales, loyalty, & art.

Fall Forage Schedule

Whale Day 1: October 23rd
Whale Day 2: November 20th
- 1/1 Art Airdrop to each of the Top 5 Wallets
(Excludes xShrooms project wallet)

Whale Week 1: Oct. 9th — Oct. 12th
Whale Week 2: Nov. 6th — Nov. 9th
Whale Week 3: Dec. 4th — Dec. 7th
- Custom Minted & Gifted xShroom Giveaway

Monday- Hold 10+ xShrooms to participate.
Tuesday- Hold
25+ xShrooms to participate.
Wednesday- Hold
50+ xShrooms to participate.
Thursday- Hold
100+ xShrooms to participate.
(Only 1 custom minted & gifted xShroom per collector, 12 total gifted xShrooms.)

When: 9:00am EST.
Where: Discord

Loyalty Mint
Free allowlist mint for wallets with 0 listed xShrooms.

Loyalty Snapshot 1: October 2nd
Loyalty Snapshot 2:
October 16th
Loyalty Snapshot 3:
October 30th
Loyalty Snapshot 4:
November 13th
Loyalty Snapshot 5:
November 27th

Snapshot: 9:00am EST.
Loyalty Mint date announced after 5th snapshot. Up to 5 spots each.

There will be a special “#loyalty” channel in Discord with a prompt for easy view of the wallets with 0 xShrooms listed.

Loyalty Day: December 18th
- Custom Minted & Gifted xShroom Giveaway
Wallets with 0 xShrooms listed only.

Forage Fridays ARE BACK!!!
Fun foraging xShrooms Giveaway.
When: 9:00am EST. Every Friday during Fall (Starting October 6th)
Where: Discord

Please note:

Some of Fall Forage will take place in Discord. You must /verify in the xShrooms Discord to confirm your xShrooms collection to participate, if not you may miss some events.

Alright! Thats a lot of information haha, please bookmark this to stay updated as we go through Fall. Now heres the End of Summer mint details!

- Free mint for Wild Wednesday snapshots from Shrooms Summer.

Collection: 250 pieces (All different, with plan to add more 1/1s only.)
Where: xrp.cafe
When: September 28th

Allowlist Mints: 188
Allowlist Wallets
Check this for your wallet. If you believe you are missing a mint or should be on this, please open a ticket in Discord.

This mint will move to a public mint for remaining pieces after 1 week.

Small preview above. Full art to be shown upon mint. 😏

Thanks a lot to the community, you all make this happen and fun!

Want to join the forage? Check out the collection here at xrp.cafe.
#holdartgetart :)


Collection https://xrp.cafe/collection/xshrooms
Discord https://discord.gg/xshrooms
Twitter https://twitter.com/xShroomsNFT
Website https://xShrooms.art
Jebzie https://jebzie.com

