Seasons: Shrooms Summer

Summertime vibes, mushrooms, giveaways & more…

3 min readJun 21, 2023

Introducing the the first season to xShrooms: Seasons, Shrooms Summer.

Just like mushrooms in nature, we like to vibe with the environment, so you’ll notice the branding of xShrooms align with the season it’s in. The goal for xShrooms: Seasons is for each (Summer, Fall, Winter, & Spring) to have both scheduled and random set of giveaways, art drops, & more for xShrooms collectors during the coming months.

…Possibly some physical signed collectors prints? 👀🤔

xShrooms: Seasons concept. *Please note seasons names, colors, & ideas can change.


Shrooms Summer will mainly take place in Discord. Since this is for collectors only, you must /verify in the xShrooms Discord to confirm your xShrooms collection. This is huge, if not verified then you cannot participate in Shrooms Summer.

Shrooms Summer Schedule

Forage Fridays
Fun foraging xShrooms Giveaway (from Fungi wallet). Details on how to play will be in Discord during the forage.
When: 4:20pm EST. Every Friday during Summer. (Starting June 23rd)
Where: Discord

Mushroom Mondays
Custom xShrooms Gifted Giveaway. Lucky xShroom collectors (7 total) will get personalized and designed by Jebz gifted xShrooms. All will be minted at the end of Summer in the xShrooms Gifted collection.
When: 4:20 EST. Every other Monday during Summer. (Starting June 26th)
Where: Discord

Wild Wednesdays
Trait-based snapshots for the End of Summer mint.

Will it be the Astronaut Helmet? Or maybe the Super Hero stemwear?
Each week a new xShrooms trait will be announced and collectors will be able to verify for the snapshot in a specific trait only channel via Discord.

Discord roles based on traits update roughly every 2 hours and will be applied for the 1 week period to allow you to verify for that Wild Wednesday Snapshot.

All Wild Wednesday trait based snapshots will be on the allowlist for the End of Summer mint.

Traits announced each Wednesday at 4:20 EST, 1 week prior to the end of that trait period. Once the week is over, the trait will no longer count toward the snapshot.
4:20 EST. Wednesday to Wednesday. (Starting June 28th)
Where: Discord

Mint to be announced at End of Summer.

Shrooms Summer schedule. All summer long :)

As mentioned, there will be the scheduled events happening each week, along with random events throughout summer not listed on the schedule (#holdartgetart). Get your swimmies on, summertime is about to begin.

Want to join the fun? Check out the collection here at :)


Website (under maintenance)

