Comparing MVVM, MVP, and MVC Architectures in Android Development

Jaykishan Sewak
4 min readJun 26, 2023


Hello friends, how all are you doing? hope you had great weekend, I am back on first week with positive vibes.

Friends when we start any project from scratch we always have to take hard decision and that’s which architecture we should go for. It actually depends on multiple factors like complexity, duration, modules, team size…many more.

So to make this decision easy we will be discussing about mainly used three architectures MVVM, MVC and MVP. So forks lets get started…..


When it comes to developing Android applications, choosing the right architectural pattern is crucial for ensuring maintainability, scalability, and testability of the codebase. Three popular architectural patterns in the Android world are MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel), MVP (Model-View-Presenter), and MVC (Model-View-Controller).

In this article, we will explore the characteristics and benefits of each pattern, helping you make an informed decision on which one to adopt for your next Android project.

1. Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM):

MVVM is an architectural pattern that promotes a clear separation of concerns between the user interface (View), business logic (ViewModel), and data (Model) layers. The key components of MVVM are as follows:

- Model: Represents the data and business logic of the application.

- View: Handles the user interface and provides a visual representation of the data.

- ViewModel: Acts as an intermediary between the Model and the View, exposing data and handling user interactions.

Advantages of MVVM:

- Separation of concerns: MVVM enables a clear separation between the UI and business logic, making the codebase more modular and maintainable.

- Testability: The ViewModel can be easily tested in isolation by using unit tests, as it does not have a direct dependency on the Android framework.

- Data binding: MVVM leverages data binding, which allows automatic synchronization of data between the View and the ViewModel, reducing boilerplate code.

Example for MVVM:

Suppose you’re developing a weather app. In the MVVM pattern, the View layer would consist of an activity or fragment that displays the weather information, while the ViewModel would handle the data processing and retrieval. The Model would encapsulate the weather data and provide methods for fetching it from an API or database.

The ViewModel would expose LiveData objects that the View observes. Whenever the weather data changes, the ViewModel updates the LiveData, and the View automatically reflects the updated information. Data binding can be used to bind the View components directly to the ViewModel properties, reducing the need for manual updates.

2. Model-View-Presenter (MVP):

MVP is another popular architectural pattern in Android development. It focuses on separating the responsibilities between the View, Presenter, and Model components. The key components of MVP are as follows:

- Model: Handles the data and business logic of the application.

- View: Displays the user interface and communicates user actions to the Presenter.

- Presenter: Acts as the middleman between the View and the Model, handling user interactions and updating the View.

Advantages of MVP:

- Separation of concerns: MVP allows a clear separation between the UI, business logic, and data layers, making the codebase more maintainable and testable.

- Testability: The Presenter can be easily tested in isolation by using unit tests, as it does not depend on the Android framework.

- Flexibility: MVP allows customisation of the View layer without affecting the rest of the components.

Example for MVP:

Continuing with the weather app scenario, in MVP, the View layer would consist of an activity or fragment that displays the weather information. The Presenter would act as an intermediary between the View and the Model. The Model would handle the data retrieval and processing.

The View would notify the Presenter of user interactions or events, such as a button click to refresh the weather. The Presenter would then fetch the updated weather data from the Model and update the View accordingly. The View and Presenter communicate through interfaces to maintain loose coupling and enable easier testing.

3. Model-View-Controller (MVC):

MVC is one of the oldest architectural patterns, widely used in various software development paradigms. It consists of three main components:

- Model: Represents the data and business logic.

- View: Handles the user interface, displaying data from the Model.

- Controller: Acts as an intermediary between the Model and the View, processing user input and updating the Model or View accordingly.

Advantages of MVC:

- Separation of concerns: MVC separates the responsibilities between the Model, View, and Controller, enhancing code organization and maintainability.

- Extensibility: MVC allows easy extension of the application by adding new controllers or views.

- Familiarity: MVC is a well-known pattern that has been used in many frameworks, making it easier for developers to understand and work with existing codebases.

Example for MVC:

In the MVC pattern, the View layer would again display the weather information. The Model would handle the data, such as fetching weather data from an API. The Controller would receive user input from the View and update the Model or the View accordingly.

For instance, when the user selects a new location, the Controller would receive that input from the View, update the Model with the new location data, and then instruct the View to refresh and display the updated weather information.


Choosing the right architectural pattern for your Android project is crucial to ensure code maintainability, scalability, and testability. MVVM, MVP, and MVC are popular patterns that offer different advantages and suit different development styles. MVVM provides a strong separation of concerns, leveraging data binding and promoting testability. MVP focuses on modularisation and testability by separating the responsibilities into distinct components. MVC, a classic pattern, offers familiarity and extensibility.

Ultimately, the choice between MVVM, MVP, and MVC depends on the specific requirements of your project, team expertise, and personal preference. It’s important to carefully evaluate the pros and cons of each pattern and choose the one that best aligns with your project’s goals and constraints.



Jaykishan Sewak

Mobile Lead | Android Tech Lead at HSBC | Flutter | MVVM | JetPack Compose | kotlin | Medium blog writer | GitHub Contributor