Mind, Body, and Spirit : A Journey in Judo

Jed Anthony Ariens
3 min readJan 17, 2024


Judo, a symphony of mind, body, and spirit, transcends the typical narratives of martial arts. Within the artful throws and calculated movements lies a transformative journey — one uniquely experienced by Jed Ariens. In this exploration, we uncover the distinctive dimensions of Judo through the lens of Ariens’ profound connection to the art, revealing a story of personal metamorphosis within the folds of the tatami.

The Evolution of Judo

The tapestry of Judo is woven with threads of history, philosophy, and technique. Originating in Japan, Judo, as envisioned by Jigoro Kano, fuses the practicality of traditional jiu-jitsu with a philosophical tapestry that prioritizes efficiency and mutual benefit. Yet, for Jed Ariens, Judo is not merely a martial art; it’s a holistic engagement with life — a complex dance of body, mind, and soul.

A Prodigy of the Gentle Way

Enter the world of Jed Ariens, where the pursuit of Judo is not confined to the dojo but extends into the tapestry of everyday existence. For Ariens, the physical demands of Judo became a gateway to self-discovery. The art’s dynamic throws and intricate locks not only sculpted his physique but also honed his reflexes, revealing the latent potential within his body.

However, Ariens’ journey extended beyond the physical realm. Judo became a canvas for mental discipline — a practice in focus, strategy, and adaptability. For him, the rhythmic exchange of throws became a metaphor for life’s challenges, teaching the importance of resilience, calculated risk-taking, and the art of bouncing back from adversity.

The Mind as the Ultimate Tatami

In the tapestry of Judo, the mind is the ultimate tatami. Jed Ariens found that mental discipline, far from being an afterthought, is the very essence of Judo. The art encourages a state of mindfulness, strategic thinking, and the cultivation of a calm demeanor even in the face of intense pressure.

The principle of “seiryoku zenyo,” advocating maximum efficiency with minimum effort, became a guiding light for Ariens. Its echoes were not limited to the dojo but resonated in his decision-making, fostering a mindset of efficiency and mindfulness in all aspects of his life.

Beyond the Physical

Judo is more than a sequence of throws and pins; it is a spiritual voyage, a pilgrimage of the soul. Jed Ariens experienced this spiritual dimension firsthand, as the moral code of Judo — embodied in principles like “jita kyoei” (mutual benefit and welfare) and “seiryoku zenyo” — became the compass guiding his ethical journey.

The rituals of bowing, practiced before and after sparring sessions, transcended mere formality. They symbolized a mutual acknowledgment of shared humanity, fostering camaraderie and respect within the Judo community. For Ariens, Judo became a conduit for empathy, humility, and a deep sense of interconnectedness.

The Journey of a Thousand Throws

In Ariens’ narrative, the throws in Judo are not just physical maneuvers — they are allegorical representations of life’s challenges. The falls mirror the inevitable setbacks, while the triumphs encapsulate the sweetness of overcoming obstacles. Each throw becomes a lesson, a challenge, or a moment of growth on the journey of a thousand throws.

Judo, for Ariens, is not a destination but a perpetual odyssey. It is a continuous cycle of learning, adapting, and evolving — a dynamic dance on the tatami of life. The falls and throws, both in Judo and existence, are not impediments but catalysts for growth.


In the unique saga of Jed Ariens, Judo reveals itself as more than a martial art. It is an intimate partner in the dance of life — a vehicle for physical prowess, mental acuity, and spiritual enlightenment. The tapestry of Judo, intricately woven with philosophy and technique, becomes a personalized masterpiece for each practitioner, with Jed Anthony Ariens’ story serving as a testament to the transformative power of the gentle way. As we step onto the tatami, we embark on a journey that extends beyond the physical throws — a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and the art of living.



Jed Anthony Ariens

Professional boxer from Australia named Jed Anthony Ariens. He is an Australian fighter who is officially registered.