Serverless URL Shortener using AWS

Jeeri Deka
9 min readAug 14, 2020


Are you sick of sending long cumbersome URL via mails or chats which looks messy. URL shortener is a great way of managing such long URLs and whats more amazing about it that you can make it in-house with a Serverless approach which lowers your cost of maintaining an application. When it comes to Serverless there is nothing better than AWS Managed Service. AWS has already some blog regarding the same(check reference) but unlike the blogs, we will use DynamoDB today instead Amazon S3 since it has very high access speed. Even if you have no prior knowledge of AWS just get an account, read about the services being used and follow through the steps.

Home Page

AWS Services to build a Serverless URL application

AWS DynamoDB : Amazon DynamoDB is a key-value and document database that delivers single-digit millisecond performance at any scale. It’s a fully managed, multiregion, multimaster, durable database with built-in security, backup and restore, and in-memory caching for internet-scale applications. In our application we are using it as a persistent store to store the mappings of long URLs and their shorter version.

AWS Lambda : AWS Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. Also better know as Function As A Service(FaaS), you pay only for the compute time you consume. We have two lambda codes written: One for to convert long_url into short_url and push the data to DynamoDB. Another for retrieving the long_url from the dynamo table every-time a user visits the short_url.

AWS API Gateway : Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. APIs act as the “front door” for applications to access data, business logic, or functionality from your backend services. For us, API gateway has 3 methods: GET /admin → to help us load the index page, POST /create → to help us convert the long_url to short_url, GET /{short_id} → to redirect the short_url to the long one.

AWS CloudFront : Amazon CloudFront is a fast content delivery network (CDN) service that securely delivers data, videos, applications, and APIs to customers globally with low latency, high transfer speeds, all within a developer-friendly environment. For us it allows us to set our origin as the API gateway endpoint and caches the content for us.

AWS IAM : AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) enables you to manage access to AWS services and resources securely. We use to to define Role and Policy for Permissions to call DynamoDB from Lambda.

AWS Route53 : Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable cloud Domain Name System (DNS) web service. It will act as a DNS service for the a custom domain that you want to associate to your API.

AWS ACM : AWS Certificate Manager is a service that lets you easily provision, manage, and deploy public and private Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) certificates for use with AWS services and your internal connected resources. If we have a custom domain, ACM will help us get a custom certificate for the application.

Architectural Diagram and Workflow

Architectural Diagram

When user wants to shorten the URL:

  1. Client will make a request to the custom domain which hits Route53
  2. Route53 entry for your domain to resolve to the CNAME value of the target domain name which will be cloudfront distribution(CDN)
  3. You can register an certificate for your Domain on ACM and link ACM to CDN helps to secure the connection
  4. CDN has the origin setup as API gateway
  5. API Gateway send a GET request to /admin and gets a response as the index page where user can enter a long URL
  6. Once User enters the long URL it sends a POST request to /create method which calls a lambda function
  7. The lambda function stores entry on Dynamo db table and returns the short URL to the user

When user browses the short URL:

8. When user enters the Short URL it calls a GET method from the API Gateway to a lambda function

9. The lambda function looks up in the dynamo table and gives back the long URL

10. API Gateway provides a redirection (HTTP 301 status code) to the long url


  1. Create a Dynamo DB table: url-shortener-table
  2. Add a Primary Key Value which is String : short_id
View of the Dynamo Table

IAM Policy

  1. Create an IAM Policy with the : lambda-dynamodb-url-shortener
  2. Download Policy Details
  3. Make sure u enter the correct details for AWS-REGION(where dynamo table is create), AWS-ACCOUNT and DYNAMO-TABLE(in our case it is url-shortener-table)

IAM Role

  1. Select Trusted Entity as Lambda from the Services
  2. Create an IAM Role: lambda-dynamodb-url-shortener-role
  3. Attach the IAM Policies: AWSLambdaBasicExecution and the one created above lambda-dynamodb-url-shortener
IAM Role Creation

Lambda to create Short URL

  1. Create a Lambda function.
    NAME: url-shortener-create
    RUNTIME: Python 3.6 \ ROLE: lambda-dynamodb-url-shortener-role\
  2. Add the Code to the Function Note that I have added comments in the function to understand better. Make sure to set the region and dynamo db table name to appropriate value.
  3. Add 3 environment variables to the lambda function. \
APP_URL : CLOUNDFRONT URL or CUSTOM DOMAIN URL to be added later (example : ) 

Lambda to create Retrieve Long URL

  1. Create a Lambda function
    NAME: url-shortener-retrieve
    RUNTIME: Python 3.6
    ROLE: lambda-dynamodb-url-shortener-role \
  2. Add the code below to the lambda function Make sure to set the region and dynamo db table name to appropriate value.

Create NEW API

  1. Build a new REST API from the API Gateway console: url-shortener-api !
Create new Rest API from API Gateway

Create API Resource for admin page

Now we will set up an API method so that if we enter http://URL/admin , it fetches our homepage.

  1. Create a new Resource from actions called : /admin. This will be location which displays the homepage
Create /admin resource

2. Create a GET method with integration type as MOCK. Once done it will show you a screen similar to the once below

Create GET Method for /admin resource

3. Select the Intergration Response under GET method

4. Under Mapping Templates, click application\json.

5. Copy paste the Code present here just like on the image shown below.

GET Method Integration Response

Create API Resource to shorten the URL

When we enter the long URL on the home page(http://URL/admin) and select the Button to shorten it, it send a POST request to the resource /create via API Gateway to trigger a lambda function.

  1. Select the root resource / resource and then create another resource called /create.
create /create resource

2. Create a POST method, select Integration Type as Lambda function url-shortener-create which was used to convert long url to short.

create POST request for /create resource
Resulting screen after you create the above method

3. Select the root resource / resource and then create another resource called \t. We do this do that any short url which is created will be of format http://URL/t/shortid

create /t resource to short url links

Create API Resource for shorten URL to redirect to the long URL

When we recieve the short url its in the format https://URL/t/xxxxx. What this does is when we provide the short url it triggers the lambda function url-shortener-retrieve. This function returns {"statusCode": 301,"location": long_url}. The Intergration Response takes the short url which we provide and redirects it to the long_url.

  1. Select /t and create another resource /shortid with Resource Path as {shortid}.
create /shortid resource under /t

2. Create a /GET method under it. Select the lambda as url-shortener-retrieve which is used to return long url when we browse short url ![](images/Screenshot 2020-08-08 at 5.21.31 PM.png)

create a GET method for /shortid

3. Go to the Integration Request under the above created GET method

4. Under Mapping Templates, add ContentType as application/json and add the below json

"short_id": "$input.params('shortid')"
Integration request for GET

5. Under Method Response for GET, delete the 200 HTTP status code and add a 301 status code which will be used for redirection.

6. Add Location as the Response header ![](images/Screenshot 2020-08-08 at 5.22.18 PM.png)

Method Response for GET

7. Under Integration Response for the GET, delete the 200 Status Code and add 301. Add Response hearder Location value as integration.response.body.location. This extracts the value from the lambda function ![](images/Screenshot 2020-08-08 at 5.24.44 PM.png)

Integration Response for GET

8. Once done, Select the Deploy API option from action, provide the stage name such as test and click Deploy. You will be provided with the endpoint followed by the stage name. ![](images/Screenshot 2020-08-08 at 5.51.38 PM.png)

Deploy the API

Create a CloudFront Distribution

Lets quickly create a Cloudfront distribution which can server as an endpoint and caching service for your application

  1. Enter the Origin Domain as the API gateway endpoint excluding th path(for example: in my case it is
  2. Enter your Origin path. This basically will be the stage name when you deployed the API (for example: in my case it is /test)
  3. Under the cache behavior settings, add Viewer Protocol Policy as Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
  5. Then create the distribution. ![](images/Screenshot 2020–08–08 at 7.42.44 PM.png)
Cloudfront Distribution

6. Add the CDN endpoint +/t in the lambda function environment variable APP_URL url-shortener-create

Set the APP_URL variable on lambda function

Test the Application via curl

Jeeris-MacBook-Air:~ jdeka$ curl -XGET
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Private URL shortener</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() { // used only to allow local serving of files
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
if (xhr.overrideMimeType) {
........Jeeris-MacBook-Air:~ jdeka$ curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"long_url": ""}'
Jeeris-MacBook-Air:~ jdeka$ curl -XGET
{"statusCode": 301, "location": ""}

Let Check the Application out

CDN endpoint + /admin gives us the home page Response back as the short URl

Response for URL Shortener

Custom Domain and Securing the application

Our basic execution of the application is over. These are some of the added steps which can be performed by you:

  1. If we have a Custom Domain we can create a Route53 entry for our domain to resolve to the CNAME of the CDN
  2. Update the lambda function APP_URL to your custom domain
  3. Request for a certificate to your domain from AWS Certificate Manager
  4. Add the certificate in the Cloudfront Distribution
ACM cert for Cloudfront





Jeeri Deka
Jeeri Deka

Written by Jeeri Deka

Cloud Engineer with more than 3 years of work experience in working with industries one of the best on-prem and Cloud providers like VMware and AWS.