Achieving Automatic Data Refresh in Vue.js: A Step-by-Step Guide

Jeet Rocks
3 min readOct 13, 2023


In modern web applications, real-time data updates are crucial for providing users with a dynamic and interactive experience. One way to achieve this is by implementing auto-reloading or refreshing mechanisms to periodically update data without requiring user interaction. Vue.js, a popular JavaScript framework, offers a straightforward approach to achieve this functionality. In this article, we will explore how to auto-reload or refresh data with a timer in Vue.js.

Setting the Stage: Vue.js and Reactive Data Binding

Before delving into auto-reloading data, let’s understand the fundamental concept of Vue.js — reactive data binding. Vue.js is designed to reactively update the user interface based on changes in data. When data properties change, the corresponding parts of the UI automatically update to reflect those changes. This powerful feature forms the basis for achieving auto-reloading functionality.

Subheading: How to Implement Auto-Reload with a Timer

To implement auto-reloading or refreshing of data in Vue.js, we need to utilize two primary concepts: data properties and timers. Let’s break down the steps to achieve this functionality.

  1. Define the Data Property: Start by defining a data property to hold the data you want to display or update. This data property will be reactive, triggering UI updates whenever its value changes.
data() {
return {
fetchData: null // Initialize with null or an initial value

2. Fetch Data on Page Load: Implement a method to fetch the initial data when the component is mounted.

mounted() {
methods: {
fetchDataFromServer() {
// Fetch data from the server or any source
// Update the fetchData property
this.fetchData = fetchDataFromServer();

3. Set Up a Timer: Create a timer using JavaScript’s setInterval function to periodically fetch new data at specified intervals.

mounted() {   
setInterval(this.fetchDataFromServer, 60000);
// Fetch data every minute (adjust the interval as needed)

4. Update the Data Property: Within the timer’s callback function, update the data property to trigger a reactivity update in the UI.

fetchDataFromServer() {   
// Fetch data from the server or any source
// Update the fetchData property
this.fetchData = fetchDataFromServer();

With these steps, your Vue.js application will now automatically reload or refresh data at the specified interval, providing an up-to-date and dynamic user experience.

FAQ Section

Q1: How can I customize the auto-reload interval?

You can customize the auto-reload interval by adjusting the parameter passed to the setInterval function. The parameter represents the time in milliseconds between each data fetch. For example, to refresh data every 30 seconds, set the interval to 30000 (30 seconds * 1000 milliseconds).

Q2: Can I stop the auto-reloading process?

Yes, you can stop the auto-reloading process by clearing the interval using the clearInterval function. Store the return value of setInterval in a variable and call clearInterval with that variable to stop the auto-reloading.

// Example of stopping the auto-reloading
const autoReloadInterval = setInterval(this.fetchDataFromServer, 60000);
// To stop auto-reloading


Let’s calculate the number of data fetches in an hour for a given auto-reload interval.

  • If the auto-reload interval is set to 5 minutes (300,000 milliseconds), the number of fetches in an hour would be:
1 hour = 60 minutes = 12 auto-reload intervals 
Number of fetches in an hour = 12 fetches
  • If the auto-reload interval is set to 1 minute (60,000 milliseconds), the number of fetches in an hour would be:
1 hour = 60 minutes = 60 auto-reload intervals 
Number of fetches in an hour = 60 fetches

This calculation helps you understand how frequently data is updated within a given hour based on the chosen auto-reload interval.

In conclusion, implementing auto-reload or refresh functionality in Vue.js is essential for ensuring a dynamic and real-time user experience. By understanding the principles of reactive data binding and utilizing timers, you can easily achieve this functionality and enhance the interactivity of your web application. Experiment with different auto-reload intervals to strike the right balance between data freshness and server load. Happy coding!


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