Becoming Isagi Yoichi

Jeevan Adhikari
8 min readSep 7, 2023

This is a interactive guide for my upcoming video so please follow the instruction while having headphone/earphone on. I will not waste any of your time. You want to become “Isagi Yoichi”. The football guy from an anime who is improving every time you see him at the field.

Image of Isagi Thinking
Can I even become like Isagi?

You might be fighting a war with your inner-self right now, screaming at you for watching something related to anime which you thought you had quit.

Let me say something to your inner-self so please close your eye for a second…

You, the mind are saying that because you want to do something, some thinking, some action. Calm down, you are at the right place. This place is better than scrolling else where. We all start somewhere, you started here.

Here are the steps you can follow to become “Isagi Yoichi”

Eliminate Distractions

  • There was a reason why there wasn’t any use of mobile phone or electronics except the technical devices because it causes a sense of tiredness.
  • The more stimulated someone is, the more likely they are to get more stimulated.
Ego Jinpachi with people falling in the background
So distractions are the enemies?

There are many solutions to solving distractions some are simple and overlooked some are very intense but are said everywhere. Lets start with the very intense one:

  1. The very intense solution
  • This method is to quit the distractive activities altogether. Lets be real, if you are stuck and are watching this video, you are not a person who is able to think clearly but go mindless sometimes and yell random tiktok trends out loud, I’ve been there too.
  • You are stuck watching this video while having 5–10 more tabs open and constantly multitasking around it.
  • You already have a momentum with your distractions. Rather than slowing the car by shifting down the gear and slowly reducing the momentum, you are just pressing brakes.
  • Which causes skidding which in our case is resistance. Some people can go through this phase but most can not. So those who go this way are welcome to do what they want to. But if you don’t want to have this problem and save some time please use the simple method.
  1. The simple solution
  • This method is just to replace the distractive activity with something on the same level of fun but has knowledge/information to it.
  • Rather than watching highly edited edits of random characters. Watch a highly edited video of how to learn “X”.
  • Our motive here is to condition your subconscious psyche (our subconscious mind) to think more about this “X” rather than that distracting things because lets be real it won’t help you that much if you just try to remove without replacing something.
  • That is for sure, but its better to increment with 0.1 rather than 0.01. Once you have completely shifted to watching these types of videos instead of useless edit videos of success of others. Now is the time to slowly remove the highly edited videos and move to something less edited and so on and so forth until you don’t need to consume content through a very visually and auditorily appealing video.

Simple method right?

Egotistical Isagi Yoichi
Ok I get it!

So I would like you to Just close your eyes and imagine in detail about you quitting the entire distractive activities altogether. How it would affect you? Will this go on for even a week? Will this go on for a month? Will this go on for a year?

Think about it once. No need to dwell around it for too long.

You need a black and white answer. Will it help you? yes or no. If the answer is yes, I don’t believe that I’m adequate enough to give more advice to you. Please visit more people who talk about journaling and deep thinking like Clark Kegley.

But if the answer is no, try visualizing with the same steps for the simple method. Will this go on for a week? maybe… Will this go on for a month? maybe not….. Will this go on for a year? ehh I don’t know… I’m sure something like this popped up in your mind. Keep watching if you are still interested.

Implement and Build

  • Isagi wasn’t exactly the worse player but was almost the worst player in the entirety of blue lock facility. But as he played the games, he learned what he needed to do to survive. He didn’t learn to do Off-the-ball from the start. He learned it to adapt to his situations.
I didn’t think of that!
  • So whenever you are doing something (Like Programming). Learn not from tutorials which goes over what can be done in that particular language (Lengthy Tutorials). Learn from the tutorials which teaches you using projects.
  • If you can not find that particular tutorials which I don’t think is possible in this day and age. You can learn the basics of programming from any websites and think of the ideas yourself like when you learn variable and printing. An example can be of making a variable containing all the values for the area of square and calculate the answer and print out the answer. A PROJECT NEEDS NOT TO BE COMPLICATED.
Egoist Isagi
Wait is it that simple?

Imagine like earlier, which method do you think you will feel more fulfilled with. Feeding your brain when you don’t even know what you are eating for or feeding your brain according to what you will be doing. You will eat light if you have to workout soon but you will eat heavy if you have just finished your workout. Like such analogy, which method would you prefer?

Build a Healthy Competition

The Z team
People to compete with?
  • Isagi was always up for competition not just for reaching his goals, not getting kicked out but also to enjoy a great meal instead of natto.
  • Whenever he was in a competition, that was when he grew exponentially. He didn’t grow much off-field as much as he grew on-field. The people he faced were such challenges that if he didn’t change he wouldn’t be able to survive at all.
  • If you think you don’t have friends who want to do that with you. I have some piece of words for you.

Search for renowned self improvement influencer like Hamza and join their discord server.

Here are the people who are interested to improve themselves, if you can convey the idea of accountability and challenge I’m sure some people will be willing to do that with you.

This step is the only optional step because it isn’t really required because of the next step but you can do it none the less.

I’ve said the optional part at the later section to create a thought of actually doing it in your mind. If you did it. Good job, you did something that wasn’t even required for you to do. But if you watched till the end and did it. Great, you are the people who I’m trying to reach. People who have trust issues and want to listen to everything before taking action because this trait also backfires because of inactions.

Build a Ego

Do I even need ego?
  • Isagi build his ego not with other people in mind, but with the field in mind. This is the reason why he is humble outside the match and within war inside the match.
  • Lets look over the literal meaning of ego. “A person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance” also ego is also the meaning of I in Latin.
  • So to build a ego also means to increasing the sense of “I” or self-importance. This is only possible through self-discipline.
  • Isagi was one of the weakest of players at the start, with weakest of stamina and what not. But he improved to the point where he is equaling the stamina of a stamina monster of his team through his discipline and training.
  • Building a ego is not about building a bad character but building your importance. Do not forget this concept when using ego or else the “ego” will start using you.

Simply take a piece of paper and divide the paper into 6 columns (1 column for serial number other five for use) using a pen/pencil.

At the top of each column write Meditation, Journaling, Reading, Learning, Exercise. Meditation, Journaling and Exercise are self-explanatory but the difference in reading and learning is that.

Reading is for the accumulation of knowledge through reading, just to keep your mind away from stimulation with books like psychology of selling, how to win friends and influence people, etc.

Learning is for the accumulation of knowledge through any means like learning from implementing, etc.

Desperate for Change?

Let me get this straight too, we are not monks. We are normal, overstimulated humans.

So as the natural rule of conservation of energy we move this stimulation of random things to stimulation of progress and growth.

We do this by ticking the box when we think we did something that could count as the action.

If you meditated for 1 min that’s a win, if you write one sentence, that is a win. If you do one pushup, that is a win. If you read one line, that is a win. If you learn something new, that is a win.

Do this for 20 days, the goal is not to do the bare minimum but being happy that I did more than needed.

Now I know it all!

This was Jeevan Adhikari on the topic of “Becoming Isagi Yoichi”. If you are interested in the topic. Be ready for the video I’m about to make.



Jeevan Adhikari

Just a person in self improvement. Visit @theonlyjeevanadhikari in YouTube for my video format content.