Demystifying Kubernetes Informers

Jeevan Reddy Ragula
8 min readJun 2, 2023


1. Understanding Kubernetes Informer:

1.1 What is an Informer?

A Kubernetes Informer is a client-side library that provides a mechanism to watch and react to changes in resources within a Kubernetes cluster. It enables developers to receive real-time updates about the state of various Kubernetes objects, such as pods, services, deployments, and more.

1.2 How does it work?

The Informer leverages the Kubernetes API server’s watch functionality to establish a connection and receive continuous updates. It uses a combination of polling and event-driven mechanisms to stay synchronized with the cluster’s resources, ensuring that your application is always aware of the latest changes.

Here’s how the Kubernetes API server watch functionality works:

  1. Client initiates a watch request: The client, typically an application or tool interacting with the Kubernetes cluster, initiates a watch request by specifying the resource type and any optional filters or labels to narrow down the scope of resources to watch.
  2. API server establishes a persistent connection: The API server receives the watch request and establishes a persistent connection with the client over HTTP or WebSocket. This connection remains open until the client explicitly closes it or an error occurs.
  3. API server streams events: Once the connection is established, the API server starts streaming events to the client. Events include information about resource creations, updates, deletions, or other relevant changes. Each event contains the necessary metadata and the current state of the resource.
  4. Client processes received events: The client receives the streamed events from the API server and processes them according to its logic. It can react to the events, update its internal state, trigger actions, or perform any necessary operations based on the changes observed.
  5. API server sends event updates: As changes occur to the watched resources in the Kubernetes cluster, the API server sends corresponding event updates to the client over the established connection. The client stays informed in real-time about the changes happening within the cluster.
  6. Client handles connection errors and timeouts: The client should handle potential errors or timeouts that may occur during the watch process. It needs to be able to gracefully handle disconnections, re-establish the connection if needed, and resume the watch from the last-known state.
// Create a Kubernetes clientset
clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)
if err != nil {

// Define the watch options
options := metav1.ListOptions{
// Set the resource type to watch (e.g., "pods", "deployments")
Watch: true,

// Initiate the watch request
watcher, err := clientset.CoreV1().Pods("default").Watch(options)
if err != nil {

// Start watching for events
ch := watcher.ResultChan()
for event := range ch {
pod, ok := event.Object.(*v1.Pod)
if !ok {
log.Println("Failed to get Pod object from event")

// Process the event based on its type
switch event.Type {
case watch.Added:
fmt.Printf("Pod added: %s\n", pod.Name)
case watch.Modified:
fmt.Printf("Pod modified: %s\n", pod.Name)
case watch.Deleted:
fmt.Printf("Pod deleted: %s\n", pod.Name)
case watch.Error:
log.Printf("Error occurred while watching Pod: %s\n", event.Object)

// Close the watcher when done

1.3 Key components and concepts:

  • Informer Client: The primary interface for interacting with the Informer. It handles the communication with the Kubernetes API server and manages resource synchronization.
  • Lister: A cache that stores the current state of resources retrieved from the Kubernetes API server. It allows quick and efficient access to resource information without making additional API requests.
  • Informer Object: Represents a specific Kubernetes resource type that you want to watch. It defines the behavior and event handling logic associated with that resource.

2. The Purpose and Benefits of Kubernetes Informer:

2.1 Real-time synchronization with Kubernetes API:

The Informer keeps track of changes happening in real-time, ensuring your application is continuously updated with the latest information about resources. This allows you to build reactive and responsive applications that can take immediate action based on changes in the cluster.

2.2 Automatic event handling:

When a resource changes, the Informer automatically triggers events, notifying your application about the specific type of change (e.g., added, updated, deleted). This simplifies event-driven programming and eliminates the need for manual polling or periodic checks.

2.3 Caching and efficient resource utilization:

The Informer uses a local cache (Lister) to store resource information, reducing the need for frequent API calls. This improves performance and optimizes resource utilization by minimizing network overhead.

2.4 Simplifying application development and maintenance:

By abstracting away the complexities of watching resources and handling events, the Informer simplifies application development. It provides a higher-level API that enables developers to focus on building business logic and reacting to changes, rather than managing the low-level details of interacting with the Kubernetes API.

3. Leveraging Kubernetes Informer in Your Applications:

3.1 Setting up the Informer client:

To start using the Informer, you need to set up the Informer client by configuring authentication, establishing a connection with the Kubernetes API server, and specifying the resource types you want to watch.

3.2 Configuring listers and informer objects:

Create and configure Listers and Informer objects for the specific resource types you want to watch. Listers provide read access to the cache, while Informer objects define how your application should react to different types of events.

3.3 Handling events and updates:

When an event occurs, such as the addition, update, or deletion of a Kubernetes resource, the Informer triggers the corresponding event handler functions that you define. These event handlers allow your application to respond to changes in real-time. Let’s expand on the event handling process:


The AddFunc event handler is invoked when a new resource of the watched type is added to the cluster. Inside this function, you have access to the added resource object, and you can perform actions based on it. For example:

AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
pod := obj.(*corev1.Pod)
fmt.Printf("New Pod added: %s/%s\n", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)
// Perform actions based on the added Pod


The UpdateFunc event handler is invoked when an existing resource of the watched type is modified in the cluster. It provides both the old and new versions of the resource, allowing you to compare and respond to specific changes. For example:

UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
oldPod := oldObj.(*corev1.Pod)
newPod := newObj.(*corev1.Pod)
if oldPod.ResourceVersion == newPod.ResourceVersion {
// This is not a real update
fmt.Printf("Pod updated: %s/%s\n", newPod.Namespace, newPod.Name)
// Perform actions based on the updated Pod


The DeleteFunc event handler is invoked when a resource of the watched type is deleted from the cluster. Inside this function, you have access to the deleted resource object, and you can perform cleanup or logging operations. For example:

DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
pod := obj.(*corev1.Pod)
fmt.Printf("Pod deleted: %s/%s\n", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)
// Perform cleanup or logging operations based on the deleted Pod

3.4 Implementing custom logic based on events:

Leverage the event-driven nature of the Informer to implement custom logic based on the received events. Depending on the specific requirements of your application, you can perform various actions in response to events. Some examples include:

  • Updating other resources in the cluster based on changes in the watched resource.
  • Triggering workflows or actions in external systems.
  • Logging events or performing metrics collection for monitoring purposes.
  • Sending notifications or alerts to relevant stakeholders.

By implementing custom logic within the event handler functions, you can build reactive and responsive applications that automatically adapt to changes happening within the Kubernetes cluster.

Remember to handle errors and implement appropriate error handling mechanisms within the event handlers to ensure the robustness and reliability of your application.

4. Best Practices for Using Kubernetes Informer:

Optimize resource consumption and performance:

  • Set an appropriate resync period for the Informer to avoid unnecessary API calls. A longer resync period reduces the load on the API server.
  • Carefully configure field selectors and label selectors to filter resources and reduce the amount of data retrieved from the API server.
  • Monitor resource utilization of your Informer-based application and adjust caching and synchronization strategies as needed to maintain optimal performance.

Handle concurrent updates and conflicts:

  • Use resource version checks to handle concurrent updates. Compare the resource versions before applying changes to avoid conflicts and potential data loss.
  • Implement appropriate locking mechanisms or concurrency control techniques when multiple instances of your application may be watching and modifying the same resources.

Implement error handling and retry strategies:

  • Handle API errors and failures gracefully to prevent application crashes or unexpected behavior. Implement retry mechanisms with exponential backoff to handle transient errors and ensure the stability of your application.

Ensure scalability and resilience:

  • Consider the scalability and resilience of your application when using the Informer. Distribute the workload across multiple instances or pods to handle increased resource load or spikes in events.
  • Implement mechanisms to handle Informer restarts or failures gracefully. Leverage the Informer’s resynchronization capabilities to recover state and continue from where it left off.

Test and validate your application:

  • Write comprehensive unit tests and integration tests for your application’s event handlers and logic based on different event scenarios.
  • Conduct thorough testing of your application in a Kubernetes environment to validate its behavior under various conditions, such as resource additions, updates, and deletions.

Monitor and observe your Informer-based application:

  • Implement monitoring and observability mechanisms to gain insights into the behavior and performance of your application.
  • Utilize logging, metrics, and distributed tracing to troubleshoot issues, identify bottlenecks, and optimize the performance of your Informer-based application.

4. Use cases and Examples

  1. Auto-scaling and workload management: Kubernetes Informer can be used to monitor changes in the cluster’s workload, such as pod creation or deletion events. By subscribing to these events, you can dynamically adjust the number of replicas or scale the resources of your application based on the observed workload changes. This allows for efficient resource utilization and ensures optimal performance under varying traffic conditions.
  2. Configuration synchronization and dynamic updates: Informer can watch for changes in ConfigMaps or Secrets within Kubernetes. This enables applications to dynamically synchronize and react to configuration changes without requiring manual restarts or redeployments. For example, you can use Informer to watch for updates to a ConfigMap containing feature flags or environment-specific configuration, allowing your application to adapt and apply the changes in real-time.
  3. Custom controllers and operators: Informer serves as a fundamental building block for developing custom controllers and operators within Kubernetes. These controllers leverage Informer to watch and react to changes in specific resource types, allowing for custom logic and automation. For instance, an operator built using Informer can monitor changes in Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) and take corresponding actions, such as deploying and managing related resources or triggering workflows.
  4. Event-driven architecture and reactive programming: By using Kubernetes Informer, you can implement event-driven architectures and reactive programming paradigms. Your application can subscribe to events for specific resources, such as pods or services, and react accordingly. For example, an application monitoring pod events could trigger additional actions like sending notifications, logging events, or updating external systems based on the changes observed.
  5. Real-time monitoring and logging: Informer can be utilized to create custom monitoring and logging solutions within Kubernetes. By watching events related to pods, nodes, or other resources, you can collect real-time metrics, perform logging, or trigger alerts based on specific conditions. This allows for proactive monitoring, troubleshooting, and observability of your Kubernetes infrastructure and applications.
  6. Application lifecycle management: Kubernetes Informer can assist in managing the lifecycle of your applications within the cluster. By tracking changes to resources like deployments or stateful sets, you can orchestrate rolling updates, perform canary deployments, or handle graceful scaling and termination of application instances.

