Mental Health in College students at Campbell

James Ferguson
2 min readFeb 6, 2018


There is so much that goes a long with college then what you see on the surface. Of course you have the regular increased amount of school work but along with it you have the different clubs you should join, and also trying to keep up a satisfying social life. One of the most struggling problems amongst college students is time management an staying motivated through all the muck in a school year. Being that I am already immersed in college life and the stress that it can bring, all I would need to do is record my times of most stress and possibly record the times of most stress for some of my peers around me. Each group member will take a mental health illness and gather all the data they can for students around campus to see how effective the app could potentially be.

These statistics are overwhelming considering the amount of college student there are in the world. The picture shows that somewhere around 6.6% of college students have seriously considered suicide. it was estimated that there were 12.2 million college students in the world in 2013! That number has undoubtedly changed and 6.6% is a very large amount when it comes out of a total of 12.2 million.

To help out with the mental health of students, as a group we decided that we could create an app that would provide coping skills, different services that could help get in contact with the right people in case they found that they were having problems mentally. The app would serve as a life coach of sorts, which would be a strong tool. A lot of times you can feel alone and isolated when in college, without your family around you can feel like no one cares about you or knows what you’re going through. So knowing that you have this app to comeback to could be very reassuring. In this day and age people want to have their information in a place where it is easily accessible. This app would do just that. You could put all of the tools in one place in a fun and effective way.

Creating apps is becoming easier as time goes on, so creating one would require limited intelligence and mostly just creativity. To test the app we would download it ourselves and choose a select group of students to participate in our testing to test if the students liked the use of the app and how we can improve the app so that we can come up with our most refined and effective product.

