Trump for speaker -No, wait, hear me out

Jeff Mayernik
2 min readOct 4, 2023

Donald John Trump being a serious contender for the position of Speaker of the House is a potentially huge win for the Democrats.

Now, in the interest of full disclosure let me preface this with some facts about my opinions. I am not a political strategist and there may be gaps in my analysis. When I first read that he was being floated for the position last year, and then again this week, my initial, visceral response was “That’s the dumbest f(*#!ng thing I’ve heard lately.” Also, my opinion of the man is essentially unchanged since pre-2016 — I believe Donald John Trump is a dumpster fire of a human being. He is unfit to serve our Republic in any capacity, elected or appointed. It is difficult for me to believe he would garner enough support to survive even a second round of voting.

However, IF DJT is put forward as a serious contender for Speaker there are a couple of different scenarios that I could see playing out —

  1. Most likely: We’ll see 15 or more rounds of voting with no winner and then they’ll give up and pick an actual candidate and start over. One of the less offensive ‘moderate’ Republicans will be elected Speaker
  2. Least likely in the reality we currently inhabit: 218 Republicans will come together over gunpowder-infused coffee and say “Hell, yeah. Trump is the MAN! Let’s DO this thing!”



Jeff Mayernik

Just a guy who thinks about things and sometimes feels compelled to share those thoughts. Follow or support our project at