How Technology Saves Time, For Real

Jeff M. Bredy
6 min readAug 3, 2020


Technology…’s all around us and has become ingrained in our daily lives, but does it really save as much time as we think it does?

Time is a very precious commodity and there doesn’t seem to be enough of it around. It stands still for no man, woman, or child, so it’s crucial you make the most of it whenever you can. There are many different ways you can save time, and in the modern world, technology has been our savior.

Over the last few decades, technology has revolutionized our world and the way we live our lives. Now we’ve got a wealth of amazing tools, timesaving devices, and endless resources, all at the end of our fingertips.

Computers, smartphones, smartwatches, and thousands of other things help to make our lives easier, better, faster, and much more fun. We’ve also become somewhat dependent on it. Whether that’s a good or a bad thing is really for you to decide.

In this article, we’ll look at the many ways technology allows us to save time, while also making life much easier.

Improved communication

Gone are the days when there was only the postal service and a landline to keep in touch with friends, family, work and business colleagues. Today, we’ve got so many different methods of communication. There are emails, voicemails, text messages, video conferences, and let’s not forget the most popular way of all, social networking sites.

According to Statista, an estimated 3.6 billion people are currently using social media worldwide. The prediction is for this number to increase to almost 4.41 billion by 2025.

It’s now possible to send documents, images, and share information instantly, whether it’s with our loved ones or office colleagues. Rather than having to wait days, you can communicate in real time, and even see the person while you’re doing it.

The smartwatch is the latest in a long line of communication devices that are helping us save time. This relatively new technology comes with almost the same capabilities as a smartphone, cleverly packaged in a convenient touch-screen watch. They can also be used to communicate with emergency responders. MobileHelp and Medical Guardian have partnered with smartwatch developers to provide seniors with a medical alert they can wear on their wrist.

Changed the way we bank

How many hours have you spent standing in line at the bank waiting to make a withdrawal, transfer some money, pay a bill, or see the bank manager about an overdraft facility. It’s probably a few hours if you add them all, but thanks to technology, you can do all that and more in just a few minutes.

Most of the major banks offer online or mobile banking. There are also companies like PayPal, Venmo, and Transferwise that have developed platforms for you to send and receive money from any location using the internet.

Here are some interesting statistics provided by Dataprot:

  • 79% of smartphone owners have used their device for an online purchase in the past six months;
  • More than 3/4 of Americans used a mobile device to check their bank balance;
  • By 2021, there will be roughly 7 billion mobile banking users worldwide.

You can also use your smartphone to pay for things. Use Apple Pay and Google Wallet and you can go shopping without having to worry about paying cash. Apps like these securely link to your bank account via your mobile phone and you simply swipe your mobile phone just the same as you would a credit card.

Improved housing and lifestyle

Modern technology has had a terrific impact on housing and lifestyle. Take a look around your home. It’s a fair bet that most of the things you use are automated, which makes life much easier, more organized and far safer for you and everyone you live with. Technology currently in use includes:

  • Security cameras and lighting control;
  • Automated door locks;
  • Apps you can use to control heating and lighting in your home, even when you’re not there.

Thanks to technology, you can remove much of the stress from relocating. You can book short-notice moving services well in advance thanks to a variety of apps. Real-time service updates are available so you can track the progress of your belongings. You can use cost estimation and quote tools thanks to the use of artificial intelligence, and 24/7 customer support is available online.

But what about moving your car? Car shipping services are now an affordable option for most people and much safer than driving long distances in a car. There are thousands of reliable auto transport companies to choose from. You simply visit a website, input the necessary details, get a quote, and communicate with the customer support online. Once you’ve made the booking you wait for them to pick up your car and meet it at the other end when it’s delivered. Auto transport, moving, and relocation go hand in hand.

Revolutionized the health industry

Technology has been behind some of the major improvements in healthcare. Most of today’s hospitals use modern technology in every department, from accident and emergency through to the surgical rooms. This has led to a decrease in the number of mistakes made by doctors.

Technology has also helped to make healthcare more excessive. As well as the technological advancements in medical settings we’ve also got desktop apps and health phones that allow us to monitor our weight, heart beat, blood pressure, and much more, any time of the day or night.

More and more people are now turning to the internet for a diagnosis. As well as information about various treatments and remedies, it’s also possible to look for advice from people who may have experienced similar symptoms. Doctors can also consult each.

Made education more accessible

Technology has expanded access to education. There are vast amounts of resources in the form of books, images, videos, and audio available online and you can access them from anywhere in the world, as long as you’ve got an internet connection.

Additionally, the number of online courses is increasing daily, and many of them cost nothing. As a student, you can learn from any place in the world, thanks to online education. Modern technology is also helping the learning process in the classroom.

Made traveling more convenient

The travel industry has experienced a huge change thanks to technology. Google Earth Maps, for example, helps you locate a place anywhere in the world. All you have to do is install the app on your tablet or smartphone and use it to locate places.

Technology has helped to make traveling easier, quicker, and more efficient. A technical revolution is currently taking place with the introduction of electric vehicles.

Helped us be more productive

Of course we’ve got computers to thank for speeding up practically every task, but there are lots of other ways technology has helped us be more productive.

Take computer modeling, for example. It allows engineers and architects to simulate structures, vehicles, and materials. It provides information of performance before a design goes to prototyping.

Technology has helped in the office environment. Computer networks allow workers to share and manipulate data, which speeds up a variety of tasks. The end result is employees that work more efficiently and productively.

In agriculture, technology has led to an increase in food production.


Today, most people would find it hard to imagine life without technology. But what advantages is technology going to bring us for the future? Here are just a few ideas:

  • Robotic guide dogs
  • Sweat powered smartwatches
  • Self-healing living concrete
  • Living robots
  • Tactile virtual reality

………and so much more.



Jeff M. Bredy

Jeff is a constantly seeking entrepreneur in the blue ocean of innovations and challenges.