PinnedPublished inBiblical Christian WorldviewLooking for WritersIf you have a desire to get your opinion known on the intersection between contemporary issues and a Biblical Christian worldview please…Jan 5, 202421Jan 5, 202421
PinnedPublished inBiblical Christian WorldviewThe Testimony of a Biblical Christian — BCWorldviewI was an atheist for most of my life. I believed that religion, any religion, was a crutch for those who were failing in life on earth and…Oct 11, 202219Oct 11, 202219
PinnedPublished inBiblical Christian WorldviewChristian Salvation in Less Than 150 Words and the Sinners’ PrayerI have written over 300 articles and responded to nearly 4,000 comments over the last two years on BCWorldview and There is…Feb 21, 202317Feb 21, 202317
Published inBiblical Christian WorldviewOne Biblical Christian view of the Rapture of the Church23h ago623h ago6
Published inBiblical Christian WorldviewChurch — “You are here because someone needs you.”2d ago22d ago2