Is Discovering your Passionate Purpose An Accident?

Jeff Bullas
4 min readSep 9, 2019

The big questions.

What do I do with my life?

Who do I want to be when I grow up?

These answers are easy when you’re young.

And for me that wasn’t complicated at the age of 7.

I wanted to be my favourite superhero.


But when you are a little older it it gets more complicated.

The wonderful distracted dreaming is replaced by reality.

And many of us struggle.

The reality

I was 27. Despising my job.

My chosen career that I had devoted a decade of my life training and working on was boring.

And I hated it.

So….going to the classroom.



It was drudgery.

Another 40 years was not possible.

In fact one more day was too much.

I looked around at the burnt out teachers who were decades in.

Many were just hanging in there.

But there was also the teachers that loved their careers.



Jeff Bullas

Entrepreneur, podcaster & keynote speaker trying to make a dent in the universe. We play at digital marketing, social, content, publishing. Sharing what works!