My Conversion to a ChatGPT PromoterI’ve been lukewarm on ChatGPT and generative AI. I saw the potential but predicted (erroneously) that we were still far removed from it…Feb 81Feb 81
Currently reading: Upstream by Dan Heath 📚This was a recommendation from one of the leaders at work. I previously read Dan and Chip’s book Switch which was incredibly insightful. I…Jan 251Jan 251
Helping Your Loved Ones Navigate Your Digital Life After You’re GoneI’ve been battling cancer since 2021. First, Multiple Myeloma and then after beating that I developed Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia caused…Jan 918Jan 918
Thoughts on Remote Work and Emotional ConnectednessThere is a certain amount of gravity around remote work. Even those of us who like going to the office occasionally, struggle to produce…Jul 20, 202418Jul 20, 202418
The Impact of Remote Work on My ChildrenMy son said something that was a little alarming and troubling which has led me to deep thinking about the impact of remote work. My son…May 24, 2024208May 24, 2024208
“Yes…but.” — Saving ideas in their infancyIdeas are fragile. In an idea’s infancy, it doesn’t take much to do irreparable damage to it. This is why how we approach new ideas and the…Mar 4, 20244Mar 4, 20244
Troubleshooting Computers Made Me a Better PatientUnfortunately, I’ve spent the last few days hospitalized. It doesn’t appear to be serious, the type of mundane virus or bacteria that can…Jan 16, 20241Jan 16, 20241
Published inBetter ProgrammingDecision Rights — Communicating How Choices Get MadeAdvice for leadersJun 27, 20227Jun 27, 20227