Quantum Computing Heros: A Play In Three ActsYou can still read the story via this link if you're not a Medium member.Dec 3, 20242Dec 3, 20242
Pushing the LimitsFeeling disconnected is a very human emotion. Sometimes, even amid a busy day or in a crowded space, we can experience disconnection.Oct 15, 202410Oct 15, 202410
EncryptionvilleLet’s stroll together through the sun-baked streets of a beautiful community with amazingly cool technology that shines under a sparkling…Sep 17, 20249Sep 17, 20249
Riding California Hwy 1Come along with me on a ride up California’s amazing coastline! Imagine that it’s a beautiful spring day, there is a light breeze and the…Mar 2, 202414Mar 2, 202414
Keeping up with the NIST CyberSecurity FrameworkKickflipping the gaps like no other frameworkFeb 8, 20246Feb 8, 20246
Patterns For Maximizing Engineering Team PerformanceGrow your engineering team’s ability to innovateJun 27, 20232Jun 27, 20232
Risk Concepts From The CISSP (Part 3)Applying Risk and Risk Management Practices In Your OrganizationMay 8, 20231May 8, 20231
Risk Concepts From The CISSP (Part 2)Applying Risk and Risk Management Practices In Your OrganizationApr 17, 2023Apr 17, 2023