Get Rich Quick Schemes, Instant Fame, and Other Lies from the Internet

Jeff Goins
3 min readOct 30, 2015

Recently, I was speaking at a conference in Canada and the event planner apologize because nobody had ever heard of me before. That’s okay, I said. Most people haven’t.

The Internet has ruined us for humility. Because of social media metrics, we assume that people have heard of us. We believe we are bigger deal than we really are. Internet fame is a funny thing.

I didn’t always understand this. After first starting a blog, I wanted people to notice me in public. I thought because I had a Twitter handle, that somehow made me an important person.

The safest assumption is that no one has heard of you

As I was about to give one of the biggest speeches of my life, my friend Jon Acuff said:

Always assume people have no idea who you are.

That’s a wonderful thought, isn’t it?

What if instead of introducing ourselves with “If you haven’t heard of me…” we said, “You probably have no idea who I am…”?

This is just one of a few fights I want to pick with the world of Internet marketing and other lies you and I have been fed recently.

Tired of the lies? Me too…

If your Facebook feed and email inbox look anything like mine, you are constantly inundated with promises that seem too good to be true. So let me just tell you: they are.

The promise that you can build a website in 48 hours and start earning a passive income without having to lift a finger? Too good to be true.

The guarantee that if you buy this product you’ll lose 100 pounds in 8 minutes? It’s too good to be true.

The commitment to teach you everything you need to know to become a millionaire in a month? You guessed it. Too good, too.

As Gary Vaynerchuk says:

Marketers ruin everything.

You and I have been sold a pack of lies that is doing us more harm than good. The Internet is an amazing tool, something that has literally changed my life, but too many marketers are using it to manipulate people and leave them high and dry.

Frankly, it’s time someone told the truth. That’s why I’m passionate about un-teaching all those things.

The truth nobody wants to tell you

Here’s the truth — three things you won’t hear internet marketers saying anytime soon:

  1. Success isn’t easy. It takes hard work, but is worth it in the end.
  2. Nobody cares about you. Of course, your mom and Aunt Phyllis care about you. But the random person on the Internet doesn’t know you or care about you — until you give them a reason to. Influence isn’t a given; it’s something you earn.
  3. The world doesn’t owe you anything. You aren’t guaranteed success. But you are given a chance. And those who add the most value get their reward.

I think it’s time we stopped lying to each other. It’s time we stopped lying to ourselves. If you want attention, you’re going to have to earn it. If don’t want to fail, you’re going to have to work harder than you’ve ever worked before. And before you get, you’re going to have to give.

But if you do those things, and you do them enough, you just might win.

And if you want to learn more, check out this video rant I just did.

A version of this article originally appeared on

Jeff Goins is the author of four books, including the national bestseller The Art of Work. For more tips on writing and online business, join his free newsletter and get a free eBook on building your audience.



Jeff Goins

Writer. Speaker. Entrepreneur. Father of two. Bestselling author of 5 books. Read more at