How Breaking the Rules Makes You More Popular

Want more followers? Do this.

Jeff Goins
4 min readJun 19, 2014

“Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind. If we follow the truth, it will bring us out safe at last.”

—Ralph Waldo Emerson

You’ve launched a blog or finally gotten on Twitter. Maybe you’ve drafted a few thoughtful pieces on Medium in an attempt to share your best ideas with the world.

You’re trying to figure out this whole Internet thing, and now, you’re beginning to wonder: How do I get more followers?

But the truth is you already know the answer—you just won’t admit it. Because it has to do with breaking the rules, and this scares you.

Which it should.

Everyone wants more followers (even when they say they don’t)

From social media enthusiasts to politicians and even religious leaders, everyone is searching for more influence. They want more readers, more fans, more followers.

Why? Because we all feel like we have something to say, even when we don’t.

Part of this is a problem. It’s due to the fact that many of us grew up being told we were special and that our uniquenesses entitled us to certain privileges in life. Now, we just expect people to pay attention to everything we say and do. And that can bring out our egos in the worst possible way. (It also inevitably leads to disappointment, because we quickly learn that the world doesn’t care what we’re entitled to.)

But the other part is due to the power of technology and the recent democratization of media that allows anyone with anything to say to build an audience. And that’s a truly beautiful thing—if you have a compelling message to share.

So where are you on this spectrum?

Maybe you’ve been blogging for years now or perhaps you’re just getting started, and you’re thinking: “Can I grow this thing? Can I really increase the size of my platform? Should I?”

The answer, without trying to sound like an infomercial or Barack Obama’s speechwriter, is “Yes, you can!” And you can do it for free. But you probably won’t.

I hate saying that. Because I hope that you’ll do what it takes to grow your audience. Not for the sake of the followers or an inflated ego, but for the sake of doing it. Because it will liberate you from the doldrum of creating mediocre content. But many won’t do it. And here’s why.

You have to say something dangerous. That’s how you get more followers.

Whether in a blog post or a speech or a conversation over lunch, you need to make a statement. Don’t just say anything. Say something. Do this or this or even this, and see the people paying attention skyrocket.

Break a rule and see who follows

In other words, be Tyler Durden. Take a risk. Buck the system. Compare it to the usual reactions you get to the otherwise anesthetized, everyday drivel we all are accustomed to. And I guarantee you there will be a difference.

Do yourself a favor and answer the following questions honestly: Are you really using this incredible technology of the Internet to say what you want to say, what truly makes you come alive? Or are you playing it safe, doing what you think won’t get you into trouble?

If it’s the latter, run. Time to get out — now.

Here’s the truth: It’s easy to be boring. Boring is safe. Boring is popular (to other boring people, at least). Boring doesn’t get you fired. Boring is what scared people choose — nearly every time they’re given a choice. Boring is, quite frankly, the coward’s way.

Boring doesn’t make you come alive. It doesn’t give you purpose (although, it can provide a paycheck). And it doesn’t change the world. So knock it off, already.

Stop choosing the middle of the road

There are way too many lame messages out there, way too much crap for you to play it safe. We need you to be dangerous. Pick a side. Stand for something. Some will love you for it, and others will try to stone you.

But. Please. Say. Something.

You can be remarkable, or you can be mediocre. There is nothing else.

You can tickle ears, or upset the status quo. You can infuriate, or earn passive dismissals. One will make you average; the other will make you a hero. But you have to choose.

Look around and see who’s following you. Are they, really? Take a quick mental inventory of how you felt the last time you said something dangerous. Did you feel alive? Were people engaged in what you were saying?

Maybe it’s time you broke a rule. Maybe it’s time you picked a side and said something dangerous.

I’m not saying be contentious for the sake of being contentious, but stop being afraid and start changing something. You have a voice. Use it.

A version of this article originally appeared on

Jeff Goins is a writer, blogger, and speaker who regularly talks about how to live a life worth writing about. He is the author of three books. For thoughts on writing and life, you can join his free newsletter.



Jeff Goins

Writer. Speaker. Entrepreneur. Father of two. Bestselling author of 5 books. Read more at