The Art of Making Good Decisions

Stop stalling and do something already.

Jeff Goins
Mind Cafe
Published in
5 min readSep 18, 2015


By Jeff Goins

Lately, I’ve been hearing from friends who are struggling to make the right decision. “I want to write a book but I don’t know where to start.” “I’d love to quit my job, but what would I do?” “I’ve always wanted to travel but can’t find the time.” And in a way, they’re all saying the same thing: they’re scared.

Thirty years from now, you won’t remember what cereal you chose at the grocery store. On your death bed, you won’t care which vacation cruise package you picked. You won’t recall whether you chose to see the romantic comedy or the action adventure (unless, of course, it’s another Die Hard movie — those are great).

None of these things will have mattered. What will matter is that you acted, that you made a contribution, that you decided to do something. Or that you didn’t. And that’s the point.

The fact is, most decisions aren’t life-changers. The universe doesn’t care what you have for breakfast, but chances are you will eat something. So get on with it. Certainly, you’d be better off eating eggs than Pop Tarts (unless, of course, we’re talking brown sugar Pop Tarts — those things are divine). So it’s not that all decisions are equal. They aren’t. It’s just that most of the time, you need to decide to…



Jeff Goins
Mind Cafe

Writer. Speaker. Entrepreneur. Father of two. Bestselling author of 5 books. Read more at