PinnedCoFounderator - ReThinking Entrepreneur EducationinSTARTUP WHATEVER!Of course “Startups Are Hard”, but… #StatusQuoBiasSuccess/Fail Rates are NOT some unchangeable Natural Law of Entrepreneurship!! We CAN improve…Dec 30, 2018Dec 30, 2018
CoFounderator - ReThinking Entrepreneur EducationinSTARTUP WHATEVER!Our @MultipleBaskets “MR. MIYAGI” Methodology:“Not Everything is as Seem.”Mar 7, 2023Mar 7, 2023
CoFounderator - ReThinking Entrepreneur EducationinSTARTUP WHATEVER!How Good Are You At THINKING? Spoiler Alert: 50% of you are BELOW AVERAGE!(Don’t get mad at me — that’s just based on the DEFINITION of the word “AVERAGE!”)Mar 10, 2022Mar 10, 2022
CoFounderator - ReThinking Entrepreneur EducationinSTARTUP WHATEVER!Idea to Discuss/Debate: ASYNCHRONOUS COFOUNDERSSide Hustlers, Students, STARTERS as a bridge to All-Stars, Experts, & SCALERSMar 4, 2021Mar 4, 2021
CoFounderator - ReThinking Entrepreneur EducationinSTARTUP WHATEVER!#SelfAwareness (or lack thereof?)We asked 34 students to give an honest self-assessment in 16 areas (ranging from overall intelligence to creativity, from work ethic to…Feb 6, 2020Feb 6, 2020
CoFounderator - ReThinking Entrepreneur EducationinSTARTUP WHATEVER!To Consider: Entrepreneur/Startup SUCCESS STORIES (~1%?) tend to be loud/public— reaching millions…Entrepreneur/Startup STRUGGLES & FAILURES tend to be quiet/private — only shared with a very small circle of close confidants (5? 10? 20?).Jan 15, 2020Jan 15, 2020
CoFounderator - ReThinking Entrepreneur EducationinSTARTUP WHATEVER!“The Best Lessons are Learned from Failure” is a nice sentiment, but…It’s also “HAPPY-HORSESHIT HINDSIGHT!” (unless you have a Time Machine)Oct 18, 2019Oct 18, 2019
CoFounderator - ReThinking Entrepreneur EducationinSTARTUP WHATEVER!ABSURD (Absurdly Accurate?) ANALOGYRe: Experienced Founders who JUST WATCH as 1st-Time Founders Fail [at same rates / for same reasons (macro-level) we’ve seen for years!]Oct 18, 2019Oct 18, 2019
CoFounderator - ReThinking Entrepreneur EducationinSTARTUP WHATEVER!Programs — LEARNING while LAUNCHING?An ongoing series of PART-Time programs and competitions with customizable focus areas: ** **…Oct 18, 2019Oct 18, 2019
CoFounderator - ReThinking Entrepreneur EducationinSTARTUP WHATEVER!What can we learn about SUCCESS/FAIL RATES IN STARTUPS, by looking at life expectancy stats…Back in the ~1700’s, the average life expectancy was ~35 (horrific by today’s standards!), but it wasn’t really seen as “a problem”…Oct 16, 2019Oct 16, 2019