Dismantling the B-Slur: How “Ok Boomer” Is A Victory For Russia

Are we honoring MLK’s dream?

Jeff Hanton


A Generation of Leaders:

“The Discourse,” a mythical amalgamation of all internet comments, workplace-kitchen hot takes, and public restroom anarchist iconography, has been poisoned by insidious, bad-faith attacks on the last brave bootstrappers: the Baby Boomers. Today, entitled Millennials sit aloft in their ivory 1-bedroom + kitchenette combos hurling senseless verbal violence at the generation that gave them the promise of a degree and the economic prospects of modern technocratic serfdom.

Born into a 20th-century Era of Good Feelings, Baby Boomers benefited from a defined sense of purpose. They understood they existed in an ideological struggle between good and evil: labor-centric, socially-democratic, union-strengthening and wage-inflating capitalism versus whatever the Soviet Union was doing — I don’t know, I never really read the textbook. Baby Boomers held onto that sense of national unity where regardless of color or creed, you were a part of the American vision in which everyone deserves an equal opportunity at happiness and prosperity unless you happened to be too uppity or too queer.

Baby Boomers knew the importance of settling down to start a 2-car-having, non-miscegenating nuclear…



Jeff Hanton

Politics and Satire, with an eye towards the global.